1. kiss me

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It's gonna be fun!

Haeun's voice lingered in my head from earlier today and oh boy, it's fun — note the sarcasm.

I thought maybe I could talk to Junseo for the night but his friends occupied him for almost the whole night and Haeun ran off to dance. I was pretty much alone.

I made my way to the bar counter and the bartender was surprisingly welcoming.

"Hello, miss. What can I get you?" he smiled and his eyes were smiling too.

"Coke, please. I'm not a very big drinker and it's probably the only thing I could afford here." I half-joked and he laughed along.

"Here you go, beautiful." he complimented and I returned it with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr Jung Daewon." I handed him the money as I stared at his name tag on the top left of his shirt.

"Just call me Daewon and why do you look so glum?" he looked around his counter before settling down in front of me.

I shrugged, "My friends are all over the place so I just decided to be alone."

As Daewon was about to respond, he was being interrupted by more customers coming to the bar counter. I gave him a nod and he excused himself from me and attended to his customers.

Bored, I turned my chair around with the coke in my hands and looked around the bar. I noticed how huge and grand it was. It definitely wasn't the usual bar I went to. This was way different.

As I continued to skim around my surroundings, two familiar silhouettes caught my attention. I squinted my eyes to get a better vision and when I realised who they were, my heart sank.

Junseo and Haeun were kissing. I could see his arms around her waist and her hands wrapped around his neck. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. My eyes wouldn't let me.

Soon enough, Haeun unwrapped her hands from his neck and started to mess his hair while Junseo pulled her even closer and deepened the kiss. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears and were threatening to fall but I tried to hold it back.

I finally teared my eyes away from there and looked down. I didn't want anyone to see me almost crying. I sucked in a breath and thankfully, my tears were drying as I kept blinking multiple times.

Daewon was still busy with his customers and more of them were coming. I stared down at my coke and gripped the cup tighter.

I wasn't mad at Haeun or Junseo. I was mad at myself for not telling him my feelings earlier. I was afraid. But I guess it's too late now. I sort of anticipated for this to happen anyway.

Why did I let the fear get to me? I blamed myself.

"Daewon, can you please refill my coke? Thanks." I said and he nod curtly then swiftly poured more coke in my cup.

"Who drinks coke in a bar?" a man's voice made me jump in my seat and I looked to my left, revealing a man about my age with platinum blonde hair and an angelic face.

"Who are you?" I asked bluntly, even though I didn't mean to sound rude but I had no mood.

He quirked an eyebrow and shrugged, "So why are you drinking coke? At least mix it with some alcohol." he commented, ignoring my question.

"I'm not a good drinker." I stated and took a sip of my coke as I shift in my seat uncomfortably. From my peripheral vision, I could see him taking a seat beside mine.

"Mr Yoon—" Daewon who seemed to know this man was abruptly cut off by him as he held up his hand, indicating for him to leave us alone.

What does this man want? I felt slightly irritated. I just wanted to be alone.

"Why so sombre?" he asked gently. Even his voice sounded angelic.

I scoffed, "My crush and my best friend were making out." I turned back at their direction, where they were now sitting side by side with their hands interlocking with each other's. He glanced at the direction, clearly feeling amused and then looked back at me.

I winced a little when his hand grazed passed mine and took my cup away from my hands. I stare at him in confusion until I realised he was taking a sip of my coke.

What in the hell?

He chuckled at my reaction as he placed my cup down. We locked eyes and I could tell he was examining me for God who knows why.

"Kiss me." he suddenly said and my eyes grew in size while my mouth dropping open slightly at his request.

Is he insane?!

"You must be—" Before I could finish my sentence, he grabbed my chin and placed his lips on mine. I tried to push him away but he was quicker as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him until our bodies were touching.

What's going on?!

I tried to resist him but the strength he exerted was immaculate. After a few moments, I felt tired from resisting and simply kissed him back. What more can I do anyway? I've got nothing to lose. However, his kiss was aggressive yet gentle. It was so obvious that this wasn't his first time. He swiftly cupped my face which send shivers down my spine. I could taste alcohol in his mouth which I assumed it to be Rum, along with my coke.

We slowly pulled away from our kiss and panted heavily as we made eye contact once more. His arms were still around my waist and my heart skipped a beat. I stared at his lips and my eyes widened as my lipstick were tainted on his lips. He smirked and licked his lips, making me look right at his eyes again.

"You're interesting." he finally spoke as he let go of me. "Well, I've got to go but it was nice meeting you, gorgeous." he finalised and left my sight.

Shit, what the hell just happened?

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