4. i hate him

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"You never fail to surprise me, Aera." Jeonghan removed his mask, unveiling a smirk underneath as he bend down to my level. The way he says my name made every strand of hair on my skin standstill and sending nothing but shivers down my spine.

Before I could say anything or react, my vision strained into utter darkness.


I wake up suddenly, every thought in high definition. I groaned in slight pain as the back of my head hurts for some reason. My eyes felt sore as I slowly opened them, and my heart started to pound quicker after remembering the situation I was in. I scanned around my surroundings, realising that I was in a complete different place from before. I was in a room that looked sumptuous and it was definitely bigger than my room. I tried to get up but failed miserably as I fall back down, only to realise that my left hand was being handcuffed to the metal headboard. "What the?" I stared at the shiny metal around my wrists as I tried to wiggle out from it.

"You're finally awake." An unfamiliar yet comforting voice could be heard and I peered over to the door which revealed a guy with black hair. "Who are you?" I asked with a hoarse voice. "You can either call me Joshua or Jisoo." he shoot me a warm smile.

He walked closer to me and took out a small key in his pockets, unlocking the handcuff on my wrist. I was about to thank him but I stopped myself because they were the ones who brought me here. "What was that for anyway?" I scoffed slightly, regarding about the handcuff.

"You might run." Joshua was another guy who had a gentle voice and appearance which I don't know if I should be scared or feel at ease. The last time I know a guy who seems gentle turns out to be a murderer. Then again, all of them could be murderers. "Not like I could." I uttered bluntly and got up from the bed.

"Jeonghan wants to talk to you."

"Well, tell him that I don't want to and if he doesn't listen, he can suck it up."

Joshua raised an eyebrow and his mouth parted slightly from my response. "Jeonghan was right. You are interesting."

What does me and interesting got to do with anything? No seriously, I'm genuinely curious.

"You don't have a choice though. I don't like seeing him getting angry." Joshua responded and I turned around to face him.

"Is he like your leader or boss or something?"

"No, he's my friend."

Friend? Mafia? I think I'm going to die.

"You're not going to die if that's what you're thinking." he commented and I stared at him in shock as he read out my thoughts. "Unless Jeonghan decides to kill you. It's up to him since you're his problem." his comforting voice disappeared and was replaced with monotone. "So if you don't wanna die early, I suggest you follow me." Joshua was already outside the room as he said and I sighed, following him out of the room.

"Jeonghan, she's here." Joshua knocked onto the door lightly, which I assumed to be Jeonghan's room.

"Thanks," Jeonghan flashed a smile to Joshua that I've never seen or felt before. It looked genuine but it fade right after he looked at me. I walked into his room which was way bigger than the room I was in previously. Talk about rich.

Joshua left after closing the door, leaving just the two of us alone and I already feel uncomfortable even though his room looked cosy. "Hey, gorgeous." Jeonghan began and it took me long enough to realise that his voice wasn't really deep but slightly feminine.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him, somehow having the confidence and courage to do so.

"Feisty," he says plainly. "Just some ground rules, Aera. You speak and treat to me with respect." he continued as he deepened his voice with a stern expression. "Respect is earned, not given." I boldly remarked, wanting to pick a fight with his egotistical personality. I know that's a stupid thing to do but I hate people who puts me in my place. Two can play at that game.

He cocked an eyebrow at my attitude and I imitate him. "If you really wanna die that badly, I can do it for you." Jeonghan suggested as if it was a normal thing to say. I refrained myself from responding with a witty remark and stood there quietly. "Thought so." he scorned.

"What are you gonna do to me?" I question, as I trailed every movement of his. He had a gun and a bunch of tissues stained with blood which was probably the gun he used to kill that middle-aged man earlier on. I gulped at the thought of it. "I didn't really thought that far yet but you might be useful in the future." he responded and took the gun in his hands, storing it in a drawer.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I fiddled with my fingers, suddenly feeling anxious again. "You brought this upon yourself." he chuckled, as he turned around and watched me across the room. "I didn't intend to kidnap you but the moment you came back looking for me, that was a huge mistake." he sneered and I know he could sense my fear.

He started to move nearer to me, closing the gap between us. "You thought I was gone for good during that one month, didn't you?" Once again, my back was against the wall as he slammed his left hand to the wall. "Sorry to break it to you, but I was going to find you sooner or later but you've made it easier for me now." he puts a few strands of my hair behind my ear using his freehand and I almost flinched from his touch.

"Let me go," I deadpan.

He shook his head, "You've seen too much. It's either death or this, so you should be thanking me for keeping you alive. Besides, I've taken an interest in you."

"But I don't." I remarked.

"Says the one who took the initiative to look for me."

"Get away from me." I tried to push at his chest, hoping that he would step back but he doesn't budge. Instead, he watched me with a content smile as I was being trapped between him and the wall. "Stop it. You'll hurt your head." he says with obvious fake sympathy and grabbed my hands away from his chest, preventing me from struggling any further.

"I don't need—" I yell but he cut me off. "Shut the fuck up, Aera. You're really annoying when you don't listen." I instantly stopped moving, feeling taken aback from his sudden use of vulgarity. He wants me to fear him. He wants to see me scared and he was very close to achieving that.

"There's some spare clothes in your room that belongs to my sister. It's getting late now so I suggest that you go take a shower and get changed." Jeonghan finally moved away from me, allowing me to breathe easier. I didn't know he had a sister. In fact, I realised that I don't even know much about him. He was just a stranger I met in the bar. "And don't even think of escaping. There isn't one place on Earth that I can't find you. Rest well, Aera."

With that, I didn't bother to reply him and I left his room. I went back to the room which I suppose is my room now and that's when my tears started to stream down endlessly. I slumped onto the bed, feeling numb and crying to my heart's content.

I hate this place. I hate him.


here's all of their age in this story if any of you guys are wondering

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