9. who are you?

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Two months had passed, I think.

I didn't really count the days that I've been here, but I know it's been more than a month already. I've probably gotten closer to all of them by now, since they were practically harmless towards me. I still can't believe that they aren't a regular bunch of people. But honestly, who am I to judge anyway?

I slumped my body against a wall as I cast a glance on the three latters, Seungcheol, Soonyoung and Chan who were currently still in training. Seungcheol and Soonyoung were sparring with each other and I observed every single movements of theirs. Seungcheol lunge a punch at Soonyoung but he was agile and dodged Seungcheol's powerful punch. I could see Soonyoung smirking slightly as he hurled a punch back but however, Seungcheol saw it coming and dodged his attack as well. They were both quick on their feet with little to no mistakes were made. Both of them were almost at the same level but nevertheless, Seungcheol swiftly swerved to the left, causing Soonyoung to be startled. Seungcheol was already low to the ground as he was crouching down, stretching his leg and swung it hard enough on Soonyoung's legs, causing him to collapse onto the training mattress.

"I was so close!" Soonyoung whined as he flipped himself over and Seungcheol patted the area where he kicked his legs.

"You're way better than before. I almost couldn't dodge some of your attacks." Seungcheol admitted and sat down next to him.

From my peripheral vision, I could see Chan walking towards me. "It's our turn now." he says as he stretched out his hands.

"Huh?" I stared at him in confusion as he voluntarily grabbed my hands and pulled me up on my feet. "It's our turn to spar." he smiles innocently.

"But I'm not ready yet." I told him with a hint of 'I-don't-want-to-do-this' tone.

"Trust me, you're gonna need it even if you're not ready." Chan says with utmost certainty and I simply sighed as he pulled me to the centre of the room.

Chan and I were already facing off each other and I deeply sucked in a breath. "Ready?" Seungcheol looked at the both of us and we nodded simultaneously. He signalled to us, indicating that we may begin.

I stepped back, balancing on my left foot, and threw my right fist out in a curved punch to his guts but he managed to dodged it, like he had predicted. Chan shifted his position and his feet crossed, left in front of right. He spun on his left foot and tripped me flat onto the ground. A groan escaped from my lips as I felt the impact but I managed to quickly get up before he could pin me down to the ground completely. Chan smirked a little and then he proceeded to put out a nice stiff left, which he planned to follow with a right cross. I slipped to the left, which threw him off enough so that I could step inside the right cross and get a handful of his hair. He started to yelp in pain as I dragged him by his hair, causing me to giggle and I lost my guard when he elbowed me in the guts and I almost stumbled down.

He gave me a surprised look and swallowed the pain on his scalp. I could see the glint in his eyes and I know he was determine to beat me as he turned ninety degrees behind me and bear hugged me. Both of my arms were locked in his grasp and I tried to wiggle out but to no avail until I realised his foot was bare and I used all of my strength to stomp on his right foot. He grunted, and went limp. With his guard down, I yanked and shoved him to the ground, making him instantly tap out.

"Are you okay? That must have hurt." I quickly say as I rushed to Chan's side and I could see his pained expression.

"That was such a cheap move." he sulked as he rubbed his feet.

"You guys did good." Seungcheol praised and walked over to Chan's side, patting his back.

"I've never seen you so focused before." Soonyoung proclaimed.

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