7. training

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I awake to the steady patter of rain upon the window, droplets yet to dissipate the nascent rays of the rising sun. The sounds brings a calmness to my mind and soothes every nerves in my body. However, as soon as I thought I could have slept more, someone had abruptly flung opened the door, causing me to fully jerk awake. I adjusted my eyes, trying to get used to the morning light coming through the window.

"I told you to be up by nine," Jeonghan's voice rang through my ears like a naggy mother and I grumbled as I forced myself to sit up. "It's already past nine." he pulled me up from my bed forcefully. I shrieked at his sudden movement and the next thing I know, our faces were very close and his arms were around my waist. By now, I was fully awake.

"Awake now?" Jeonghan smirked. Does this man flirt every single time? "Go wash up, you're smelly." he finally let me go with an insult and pushed me out of the room. So I guess we're just gonna ignore the fact that he did that.

"Bossy." I muttered under my breath and rolled my eyes as I trudge my way to the bathroom. The moment I stared at myself in the mirror, I wanted to die out of embarrassment as I realised this was how I looked in front of Jeonghan. My hair was tangled and twisted into an untidy mess, as if I just got into a fight. I took a quick warm shower and tidied up myself and wore a simple black top with grey sweats. Not gonna lie, I really love Jeonghan sister's clothes. As I walked down to the living room, I could only spot Jeonghan alone whereas the rest of them were missing.

"Where's the rest?" I asked as I approached to him.

"Ouch," he put his hands on his chest, faking a hurtful expression while I glanced at him in bafflement. "So you like my friends more than me now." he exaggerated a sigh while I just rolled my eyes. Never knew he could joke around.

"What are the things have you planned?" I questioned and he suddenly switched up to being serious. Yeah, I'm absolutely sure he is bipolar or something.

"Training," Jeonghan simply said. "Hand-to-hand combat training to be exact." he later added on, making me bemused.

"What for?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're gonna have to defend yourself in certain situations. You won't know what will happen." he took a glance at me. "They're all currently in training as well."

"So I'm guessing you're not gonna let me go any sooner." My face falls.

"What do you think?" he looks amused at my expression and I hated that.

"You do know my friends are gonna realise that I'm missing, right?" I decided to fight back but his lips simply turned into a smirk.

"I've taken care of it. Including your employees." I did not like the sound of that. "What do you mean by you've taken care of it? What did you do to them?" I balled my fists and there was rage in my voice.

"I'm not as cruel as you think and I didn't do anything to them. I just texted them you've gone overseas for awhile." Jeonghan crossed his arms and part of me felt a sense of relief as my anger died down.

"They believed that?" I said in disbelief.

"Actually, it was Seungkwan's idea. He's an expert in all those texting." he stated.

"When can I have my phone back anyway?"

"When I want to give it back to you." Jeonghan used the same energy as I radiate to him which made me want to roll my eyes once again, but I refrained myself from doing so. "Okay, enough talking." he says as he gestured me to follow him but I stood still.

"I didn't even eat breakfast." I creased my forehead, feeling hungry.

"Your loss for waking up late." Jeonghan responded and grabbed my wrist, dragging me somewhere else in this house. I purposely dread my feet as he pulls me along but it didn't bother him. Even when he's exerting more force to pull me, it didn't seem like a problem to him at all.

"We're here," Jeonghan says as he turned the doorknob, revealing Jun and Minghao who were sparring with each other but stopped as soon as we entered the room. They were in sleeveless tops and sweatpants and they were in a pool of sweat. Minghao's eyes lit up with a smile whereas Jun shot a knowing expression to Jeonghan as they exchanged looks to each other. "Have fun." Jeonghan looked at me with a slight smirk on his lips and there was a hint of cheekiness in his tone.

"Jerk," I mumbled under my breath as the door behind me closes. I approached to the two of them and I was surprised by the fact that they didn't stink, despite the amount of sweat I could see. "So I suppose you guys already had planned something for me." I stated and the two nodded.

"We'll start with the basics." Minghao clasped his hands together and I sighed, getting ready to sweat it out. Honestly, I wouldn't say my physical strength is that bad but it isn't that good either.


God, I almost died. Three goddamn hours of hand-to-hand combat training was nothing but pure suffering. I don't know how some of you guys were able to tolerate these types of training, but I know I was on the brink of fainting. Needless to say, I haven't eaten any food since three hours ago. Jun and Minghao still had energy to train whereas I was already knocked out at one corner.

"You learn fast." Jun complimented and I could only raise a thumbs-up at him, causing the two latters to laugh.

"Maybe I'll teach you nunchucks soon." Minghao half-joked but I quickly shook my head and groaned in exhaustion.

"I am so hungry!" I yelled with the remaining strength that I could muster.

"You didn't eat?" Jun askance in surprise and I shook at my head to his question. "Jeonghan said it was my punishment for waking up late." I subconsciously rolled my eyeballs and plopped down onto a training mattress.

Both of them smacked their foreheads upon hearing the news and Minghao simply shook his head. "Punishment or not, you should really eat first before training." Minghao remarked and I wholeheartedly agreed to him.

"Still, you managed to keep up so you're not weak as I thought." Jun threw a backhanded compliment at me which I have no idea if I should be thankful or not. "Luckily, we always keep snacks in here." he walked over to a cabinet and handed me some energy bars.

"Thanks," I breathed out as I unwrapped the energy bars and shoving it into my mouth as if there was no tomorrow. It wasn't exactly tasty but at that moment, I couldn't care less.

"You should head back and shower. You have another training in about an hour or so." Minghao casually says as he swung his nunchucks in every direction.

"There's more?!" I raised my voice without realising and Jun chortled at me.

"Your next training is shooting." Jun explained and I looked at him skeptically.

"You guys are seriously going to teach me how to shoot? Using a gun?" There was a lot of skepticism in my voice as I finally regained most of my strength to stand up.

"Jun and I won't be teaching you but Wonwoo, Jeonghan, Joshua and Mingyu will be." Minghao explained as he did a final move with his nunchucks before resting. "It's their duty today." he added on. I just stare at the two latters confusedly, waiting for one of them to elucidate.

I think Jun instantly noticed it and explained it to me. "Basically, today we are teaching you how to fight and defend yourself during hand-to-hand fights. Tomorrow, it would most likely be Seungcheol and Soonyoung in charge or maybe more." Jun shrugged as he explain.

"Same goes for every other trainings. It changes everyday." Minghao added and I slowly nod my head, trying to comprehend whatever they just said.

I slumped my shoulders as I know this is just the beginning of everything. I was already tired and there was more to come. I looked up from the floor and saw the both of them shooting me a warm but meaningful smile. I nod my head as a response and smiled back before leaving the room. I let go a heavy breath that I didn't know I was holding in and so felt much better afterwards.

I can do this.

You're already in so much shit, might as well just go with the flow.

i think i'm slowly getting rid of my writer's block after so long

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