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Hello! Before we start this chapter I would like to make one thing clear:

I do not know how a court trial works 100 percent. I will not be writing in full detail what goes down but I will write enough so you know what is happening.

I joke you not I had to look through a mock trial script that I found on google to guide me through this. Do not expect this to be fully accurate, as I don't even know what I'm doing.

Okay? Okay.

Enjoy the chapter!


The Day Of The Trial

Megan woke up extremely early after only getting about three hours of sleep. She was surprised that she even got sleep at all, but thank god for ASMR.

The trial wasn't happening for another couple hours, so she had some time to kill, and that time would be wasted by just laying there with nothing but her thoughts.

Megan couldn't help but wonder how Peter was feeling, especially today. Did he sleep? Did he cry in the middle of the night? If he did, she definitely wished she were there to wipe away those tears.

She got out of bed not so willingly and took the time to stretch with a few bones cracking here and there. Despite being sixteen, she had the body of an old woman. Well, sort of.

Megan was dreading today, she really was. She hated thinking of the possibilities that weren't so endless. Megan wasn't sure if she could remain strong any longer, especially for Peter's sake.


Diary Entry #11

Today's the day. The day where both my world and Peter's world could either fall apart or somehow remain put together.

I've tried so hard to put on a strong front for Peter's sake, but it's incredibly hard. I love him so much, and I don't know what I'd do without him in my life.

I want to have faith, I really do, but the court system can be fucked up these days, and it's failed many people. Who knows if Peter would be one of those people?

Anything could happen today, but for the love of god I'm begging that he does not get sent to jail for something he didn't do.

Hoping for the best,



Hours Later

Once Megan and her mom managed to find parking, they made their way up to the courthouse. Tons of press and newscasters surrounded the front, and no amount of security could handle it.

"God, there's cameras everywhere." Megan's mom said.

"Well the whole world wants to know what will happen today." Megan replied, looking out to see if Peter was anywhere. He could be getting interviewed, which would make sense since there's so many reporters.

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