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Adira's POV:

It's been two weeks since I approached Mustang about my desire to be a state alchemist. But today was the day, my test. I didn't know how he did it, but he did. I just had to prove myself. I walked into the testing chamber and made my way over to the three legged chair. I sat down with ease. I had my sunglasses on to hide my eyes.

"Adira Elric, I assume your brother is the Fullmetal Alchemist?" I heard a voice say

"He is." I answered turning my head slightly to indicate I was paying attention to the voice.

"I've heard many things about you from your brother. I have high expectations for you, Adira, don't let me down." He responded.

"I won't." And with that I rose knowing my test had begun. I made a metal rod out of the ground in front of me and slammed it against the ground, listening to the echo. I smiled.

"You know it's not very nice to try to sneak up on someone." I said turning blocking the blow. I kept up the fighting for a while till I finally used my alchemy. I clapped my hands and ran up touching the person on the head and stepped back. I heard them stumble backwards then ask

"What was I doing again?"

"You were leaving." I said calmly. With that the person left. I slammed my metal rod against the floor again to judge where I was. Then I heard running footsteps up to me, steady, breathing, but heart racing. I prepped myself to fight. I heard metal hit metal.

"Ed?" I asked pushing him back with my rod and sweeping his feet out from under him.

"You're getting better." I heard him laugh. Him and I continued to fight at one point he knocked my glasses off my face on accident revealing my grey, blind eyes. I heard many people gasp. The man who had been interviewing me began to clap.

"My, my, my. I would have never guessed you were blind. I can't deny to say that I'm impressed."

I laughed softly, I felt Ed put his hand on my shoulder,

"Of course she acts like a seeing person, she's an Elric after all." Ed laughed.

"Do you know your way to Roy Mustang's office?" The man asked.

"Indeed I do." I nodded.

"Well go back tomorrow morning to pick up your pocket watch and title."

I smiled, "Thank you, sir."

Ed ruffled my hair,  "C'mon Adira, let's get back and tell Al."

I nodded and grabbed up my glasses putting them back on, I waved over my shoulder as we walked out.

"Hey Ed?"


"Who was that guy we were talking to?"

"King Bradley."

"That was the Fuhrer?!" I exclaimed laughing a little.

"Yeps." He laughed. I laughed and shook my head. We headed back home and told Al the news, he was excited. The next morning I practically skipped to Central Command, I walked into the Mustang office smiling.

"What's she so cheery about?" I heard Havoc ask.

"If you must know I just passed my state alchemist exam, which means I can help Ed and Al AND just pased Ed up on being the youngest State alchemist."

"How old is he?"


"And how old are you?"



"Yep! I'm a year younger than Alphonse so two years younger than Ed."

"Holy Crap." I laughed then walked into Mustang's office,

"Hello Colonel."

"Hello Adira. I'm assuming you are here to pick up your pocket watch and alchemist title."

"Mhmm." I nodded.

I felt him drop my pocket watch and my letter into my hand.

"You are now the Illusion Alchemist." Mustang said with a bit of a laugh. "Looks like he's still coming up with ironic names for you and your brother." 

I laughed softly, "Appears so." I waked out of Mustang's office grinning, I felt someone bump into me causing my glasses to fall off.

"Oh sorry Adira!" I heard Fuery say. When I looked up I heard everyone gasp.

"You're blind?!" I heard Havoc exclaim.

I sighed, "Yes, I am." I walked out the ironic name still ringing in my ears

The Illusion Alchemist.

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