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Adira's POV: 

"So you kids actually did the taboo?" Dr. Marcoh asked after sitting in silence for a few minutes. 

"Yeah." I heard Ed say softly. "But it's not really her fault she lost her sight, she didn't know it was the taboo. I just told her we were going to bring our mom back, she didn't know it was strictly forbidden." 

"I still choose to do it, Ed." I said gently placing my hand on his arm. "Regardless, Dr. Marcoh, are you going to help us or not?" I asked surprising Ed, Al, and Dr. Marcoh. 

"I can help you." He mused.

"But WILL you was my question." I said with slight annoyance. 

"While I can't help your brothers I can restore your sight. It won't be perfect so you'll probably need glasses, but I will do it." I heard him pause "But at a price." 

"ANYTHING I'LL PAY IT!" Ed exclaimed almost bursting out of his seat. 

"Careful brother!" Al scolded.

"The price isn't much, I just want to see if you can really fight without your vision." He said shrugging. 

"If she can fight..?" Ed and Al asked in unison. 

"Yes. I heard that the Illusion alchemist is quite a skilled fighter, but I never suspected that she'd be blind so I set up a little test. She has to defeat in some way every enemy she comes across in the next hour and if she can successfully defeat them then I'll heal her." 

"Deal." I said flatly.

"Adira!" Ed protested.

"Ed, let me. It's the only chance we've really got of me being of much help to you and Alphonse." I said grinning "Besides, it's not like I haven't fought anyone before." 

Without another word of protest from either of my brothers I walked outside behind Dr. Marcoh, I listened to the noises around me. The street was silent besides the sound of our footsteps. We walked around for a few minutes before he stopped,

"We're here." He said flatly.

"Thank you." I said as I clapped my hands transmuting my metal rod. I slammed it against the ground.


The echo was empty besides the buildings on either side of us. I poised myself ready for a fight, Dr Marcoh caught me a little off guard when HE attacked me. I battled with him for about 20 minutes till I heard voices outside of the allyway.

"Quick she's hurting Dr Maroh!" I heard a voice yell.

"You're cruel." I said shaking my head at him. I could almost SEE the grin on his face. I slammed my metal rob against the ground letting the sound echo, surprising many of the onlookers. I turned my attention to my left, away from the allyway. I posed my rod,

"And who might you be?" I asked keeping cool.

"No one of importantance to you, sweetheart." The voice said,  The voice was a woman's and very seductive.

"Don't call me sweetheart" I laughed, "and you didn't answer my question. Who are you?" I said my voice firm. I had a feeling this chick was out to get Marcoh so I was buying the poor fool time to run. I heard the woman walk up next to me and try to take a swipe at me, I dodged quickly.

"You're a quick one." She commented.

"Kinda have to be." I said shrugging, dodging another attack. We went round and round for a couple minutes till I heard her sigh.

"She's getting annoying." It was then I felt sharp pain in my right shoulder.

Not good, NOT GOOD!

I grit my teeth and began to laugh, catching her off guard.

"What's so funny?" She asked coolly. I continued to laugh ignoring her questions. After a couple seconds she got fed up, I felt another pain in my right arm.


Quickly reahcrd up and snapped both of whatever were in my arm and shoulder. It clearly did something to her cause she shriked in pain.


"Correction, Alchemist." I said clapping my hands and morphing the end of my metal rod into a spear. I continued to fight, but my movements were getting sloppy.

How deep did she cut me?!

After another 10 minutes she managed to knock me on the ground,  sending my sunglasses flying.

Man am I glad I keep my eyes closed behind those.

I felt her kick me in the stomach.

"Open your eyes, Illusion Alchemist." She said coolly.

"Nah." I said grinning, already sitting back up. She shoved me back down again with her foot, this time causing me to hiss in pain.

"Open. Your. Eyes."

"Uhm, no." I didn't like anyone treating me differently due to my blindness. I definitely wasn't about to let this chick.

"Adira!" I heard Ed yell. I heard uneven footsteps running upbehind me.

"I'm fine, Ed." I said standing again, gritting my teeth against the pain. "Just make sure Marcoh gets out of here safely."

"Are you insane? She's a homunculus! She'll rip you to shreds!"

"She hasn't yet." I said balancing myself on my feet.

"Your arm says otherwise." I heard him shoot back transmuting his automail arm into his usual blade. We continued to battle Lust, it wasn't until she managed to throw me against a wall that I felt my eyes finally open. I sat there dazed, the wind knocked outta me.

"Adira!" Ed yelled, but his voice seemed so far away. I heard people gasp and talking mostly stuff like

"that little girl is blind?!"

"Who is she?"

I heard the homunculus' footsteps approach me.

"Don't you forget, this is the day I let you live." She purred. I spat in her face and with what breathe I had regained snarled

"Burn in hell." I felt another sharp pain in my right arm. I grit my teeth not letting her hear me cry out in pain once. Without another word I heard her walk away. I let out a shaky breath, there was immense pain in my right arm, ribs, stomach, and legs. I climbed to my feet,

"Ed?" I called.

"Right here." I heard him say, his uneven footsteps approaching me. I turned to face him,

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You on the otherhand." He laughed.

"Shut up and help me walk." I smiled grimicing in pain.

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