Dr. Marcoh

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Adira's POV:
The train pulled out of Central Station, we had left almost immediately after Mustang had told us about Marcoh. I stared lazily out the window, listening to the conversations happening around me. Ed and Al were talking about something or other to do with the Philosopher's Stone , the lady behind us was ranting about market prices and how she'd never shop in Central again, and the person next to us was just reading something, I'm guessing a newspaper. I began to hum softly to myself, no tune in particular I heard the boys fall silent.

"Whatcha thinking about, Adira?" Ed asked tilting his head.

"What the world outside the window looks like." I said softly. "Is it green? Is it blurry? Is it clear? Is it bright? I have so many questions." I heard Al hum in agreement "But at least I'm not like Al. Can't sleep, can't feel, can't eat. It must be horrible." I said shifting my unseeing gaze to my older brother.

All three of us fell silent, after a few minutes Al finally spoke up.

"It's not that bad anymore, I guess I'm used to it by now." I heard him shrug.

"Hey Ed, Al?"

"Yeah? " They asked in unison.

"Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we had been able to bring mom back?" I heard both stiffen at my question. "Sorry dumb question." I mumbled and returned to staring out the window.

"Actually, I have." Ed said quietly.

"Me too." Al echoed, "I was just always worried about bringing it up around you and Brother."

"Because I didn't know mom that well?" I asked tilting my head.

"Well, yeah, kinda." He said sheepishly.

"It's okay Al. I know I didn't know her as well ad you two did." I said my voice barely above a whisper. "What was mom like?" I asked looking at Ed and Al.

"She was nice" Ed started "and very pretty, strict, but caring. She always smiled whenever any of us used alchemy."

"She always stressed the importance of family." Al continued. "She'd never let you forget that you were family and that there was nothing that was gonna break that bond."

"She sounds like she was wonderful." I smiled.

"She really was." I heard Ed say as I drifted off to sleep.

"She was wonderful, just like you."

I woke up to the train jolting to a stop

"We're here!" I heard Ed exclaim excitedly.

"You sound like a kid on Christmas." I mumbled stretching.

"Well yeah, it kinda is like Christmas! He might be able to fix your eyes!" Al exclaimed.

"You're not even thinking about your own bodies?" I asked puzzled.

"There's really no point in us thinking about our own bodies right now." Ed said shrugging. Ed helped me off the train and we eventually were able to find Dr.Marcoh's clinic.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Doctor Marcoh, " I asked "are you home?"

I suddenly felt two hands on my shoulders shoving me down I heard a gunshot go off

"Ed! Al!" I yelled.

"We're fine!" I heard Ed say from behind me, helping me back up to my feet.

"Who, who are you?" I heard a man demand.

"I'm Adira Elric," I threw a thumb over my shoulder "and these are my brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric."

"Why are you here?" He demanded.

"Colonel Mustang told us you may be able to restore her sight." Ed said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"How'd you lose it?" He asked.

"That's a long story." I said softly. I heard him sigh.

"Come in, I'll do my best to help you, but in exchange you must tell me how you lost your sight."

"Classic equivalent exchange." Ed laughed.

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