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I looked out the window of the train as the scenery blurred past, new colors I had never seen before. They were all so... Beautiful. Pinks, Blues, greens, reds, purples, some were colors I didn't even recognize. I leaned back in my seat and smiled, finally things were okay again.
"We just have to get you two back to normal then it'll be like it was before..." I trailed off

"Before mom died." Ed finished, not looking up from his book.

I sighed softly and looked back out at the window. The colors seemed duller now, less vibrant then they had a few seconds ago.
"Hey Ed?"

"Mm? What is it, Adi?" He asked, finally looking up from his book.

"Do colors change based on your mood?" I asked "Like do they look more or less vibrant?"

"Yeah, they can do that."

"Oh, okay." I nodded before returning my gaze back out the window.

I heard some commotion farther up in the car  and turned to see a gun pointed at my head.

"Hands where I can see them, little girl." The guy behind the mask snarled, Ed looked ready to pounce but the only reason he hadn't was because my life as at risk.

I didn't budge, "Why should I?" I asked, looking next to him, faking my blindness.

He moved closer and put the cold metal against my forehead "This is a gun, if you don't put your hands in the air I'll shoot."

I started laughing "Idiot! You're such an idiot, do you have any idea who we are?" I asked, smirking.

"No, now stop laughing you punk."

I clapped my hands and pressed them around the end of the gun, causing it to tie itself in a knot,
"I'm Adira Elric, the Illusion Alchemist. The blonde behind you is Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist. Good luck winning this fight."
I laughed and jumped out the window and swung up to the top of the train.

My first fight seeing, I wonder how this will go down.

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