A New Body

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(The next morning)

"Harvey!" Audrey ran up to him when he walked into school.

"Uh... Hey Audrey I really can't talk. I need to get to class." Harvey replied and started walking away.

"Okay. How about we talk later then?" Audrey suggested making Harvey stop.

"Sure." Harvey stated, then walked away.

(At lunch)

Harvey put his tray down at the table and sat down sighing. 

"You good there Harv?" Ben checked. 

"I don't know. It's Audrey." Harvey responded.

"What about her?" Mal questioned.

"Okay listen I never told you guys this, but a couple nights ago when I was dropping Sabrina off. I was on my way home, then heard something in the woods. I went into there and found Audrey. She looked possessed." Harvey explained.

"So she's like..." Mal was saying.

"Harry?" Ben finished.

"I think so." Harvey nodded. "But that's not all." 

"What do you mean?" Mal leaned in.

"She attacked me." Harvey said.


"Audrey please!" Harvey was yelling. 

Harvey was able to push her off and got up and started running out of the woods. Then he tripped and was pulled back into the woods.


"Everything went black, but I'm fine nothing happened to me. I'm afraid she's gonna try something though. She's really desperate to talk to me." Harvey told him.

"Alright after school we'll meet at our house." Mal said.

"What about Sabrina?" Ben looked over at Mal.

"No! I don't want her to get involved!" Harvey stated.

"Don't want me getting involved in what?" Sabrina questioned sitting beside Harvey.

"It's nothing don't worry about it babe." Harvey kissed her, then stood up. "I'll see you guys later." 

Harvey walked away, then Sabrina turned right to Mal and Ben. "So what is it? What is it that Harvey doesn't want me getting involved with?"

"Sabrina we can't. Harvey doesn't want anything bad happening to you. So it's best if you don't worry about it." Ben told her.

"But guys I want to help..." Sabrina started saying.

"Sabrina, you should listen to Ben. He's right. Plus Harvey really cares about you. You should be happy he doesn't want anything happening to you." Mal cut her off.

"Fine. Whatever." Sabrina got up and left.

"You really think something's up with Audrey?" Ben wondered.

"I don't know, but I'm worried about Harvey. He said he was pulled back in. What if something did happen to him and he just saying that to make us think nothing is wrong." Mal started worrying.

"I'm sure he's fine." Ben assured her.

(After school)

Ben and Mal drove to Mal and Harvey's house.

"Hey Harvey we're here." Mal said as they ran up to Harvey's room. 

"Good and Sabrina isn't here, right?" Harvey checked.

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