A Familiar Face

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(The next day)

"What are you doing? Come on. Even I'm up before you." Harvey said to Mal standing in her doorway.

"I can't. I'm not feeling good." Mal lied and rolled the other way.

"Yeah right." Harvey replied. He walked away and sat on the bed. "Mal look I know it's hard. Break ups are always hard, but you're never gonna get over it if you never face him. Now come on get up and shower please." 

A few minutes later Mal came downstairs all showered up and ready for school.

"There she is." Their mom smiled at Mal.

"Morning." Mal stated. "Harvey can we go? And get this day over with?" Mal was asking.

"Yeah sure." Harvey stood up and grabbed his bag. "Bye guys." 

"Bye. Have a good day you two!" Their mom called out as their dad just waved.

"I really hope this day goes by fast." Mal said as they were driving.

"I know, but like I said..." Harvey was starting to say.

"I know. I know I'm never gonna get over it unless I face him." Mal finished for Harvey.

"That's right. Plus you won't be alone. You'll have me there and your other friends." Harvey told her.

They pulled into school. Right as Mal got out she saw Ben get out of his car and was about to walking towards.

"Come on Harvey let's go." Mal said about to pull him.

"Hey Harvey!" Ben called.

Harvey stopped and turned to him. "Yeah?" 

"Harvey come on." Mal whispered.

"Just go inside Mal. I'll meet you in there." Harvey replied.

Mal rolled her eyes and quickly made her way into the school without looking at Ben.

"I see she's still upset about the other day." Ben stated watching Mal ran inside.

"Yeah. How are you holding up? You know even though Mal's my sister I'm here for you too." Harvey reminded him.

"I know. Thanks Harv, but I'm good. Come on let's go inside." Ben responded.

Later Ben and Mal were in one of the classes they had together. Then the phone started ringing.

"Ben that was the office. They need you." The teacher told him.

"Um okay." Ben grabbed his stuff, then walked out of the classroom. 

Mal looked out and watched him walk away. "Can I use the bathroom?" 

"She Mal." The teacher answered.

Mal smiled, then got up and quietly followed behind Ben. She watched as he walked into the office, then was talking to the principal and a student. After that Harvey and the student walked out and Mal recognized their face.

"Sorry what was your name again? They asked Ben.

"Ben. It's Ben." Ben replied.

"Cool and as a reminder I'm Roz." She held out her hand.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Roz." Ben said shaking her head.

"You too Ben." Roz smiled.

"So should we start the tour?" Ben questioned.

"Sure." Roz answered still smiling.

Ben started walking, then noticed Mal hiding around the corner. "This school has some good people and some mean people. Speaking of which here's one of my good friends...." Ben was explaining.

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