New Allies

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"What are you guys doing here?!" Mal asked still shocked.

"We knew something was up with you guys, so we followed you guys all the way here." Jay answered.

"All the way here?" Ben questioned.

"Yep." Evie nodded crossing her arms. "So what are you guys doing here? What's going on?"

"Nothing that concerns you guys. You three should head back home." Mal told them.

"We drove all the way here to find out what you two are doing. So we deserve an answer." Carlos added.

"Mal. They're our best friends. They do deserve to know the truth." Ben whispered to Mal.

"Fine! There's something wrong with my brother and there's this portal that's connected to it. The same thing happened to Harry, but this time it's worse." Mal explained.

"Wait what do you mean? Is Harvey possessed?" Evie wondered.

"Yeah basically." Ben nodded.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Jay asked pointing at the building.

"We were hoping with the photos Ben took that we could show them and they could hep us." Mal answered.

"But they didn't believe us. Said they think it's a prank." Ben continued.

"Well how can we help?" Carlos offered.

Mal and Ben smiled, then looked at each other and nodded.

"We're gonna head back tomorrow and all of us will come on with a plan." Ben responded.

"All of us?" Jay looked confused.

"Yeah me, Ben, you guys, Sabrina, and Harry." Mal replied.

"Now let's get going before it starts to get dark." Ben said and they all got into their cars.

(At the hotel)

"Well we'll see you three in the morning." Mal said before her and Ben went into their room.

"Night guys." Ben waved.

"Night." Evie replied.

Both Ben and Mal were just laying in their beds watching TV.

"Hey Ben?" Mal said.

"Yeah Mal?" Ben responded looking over.

"I'm sor..." Mal started.

"No I'm sorry. I got mad for no reason. I shouldn't get mad for you wanted to be with someone else when you didn't care about me and Roz being together." Ben cut her off.

"Thanks Ben. We should get to bed now." Mal stated.

"Yeah you're right." Ben agreed, then turned the TV off.

It was silent for a few minutes. Both were still wide awake staring at the ceiling. Then all the sudden Mal turned the lamp back on. 

"Ben?" Mal said.

Ben rolled to face her. "Yeah?" 

"I uh... I fogot to say goodnight."

Ben laughed a little. "Right. Well goodnight Mal." 

"Night Ben." Mal replied, then turned the light back off.

Ben rolled back the other way. Till the light turned on again.

"Mal is everything okay?" Ben turned around and saw Mal standing beside him. "Uh... Mal?" 

Ben sat up and looked at Mal and she was looking back at him.

"I'm sorry." Mal stated, then leaned down and kissed him. 

She slowly pulled away. They were looking at each other, then Ben leaned in and she leaned down and they started kissing. Ben leaned back against the bed and Mal got on top of him. As they were making out Mal was reaching her hand out to turn the light off. Then she reached it and everything went dark.

(The next morning)

Ben woke up with his arm around Mal. He quietly and slowly moved his arm away from her. 

"Mhm..." Mal groaned as she started waking up. 

Ben was putting his pants on, then turned around and smiled at her. "Good morning sleepy head." 

"Mhm morning." Mal mumbled. She got up and walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his bare waist. 

"You sleep good?" He asked turning around to face her with her arms still wrapped around him. He wrapped his arms around her.

"It was okay. All I dreamed about was you." Mal told him with a smirk.

"Oh yeah?" Ben smirked back. 

Then they kissed and kept kissing. Till there was a knock at the door. Ben threw a sweatshirt on and Mal went into the bathroom to change.

"Hey morning. We brought you guys some coffee." Evie said walking in with two coffees.

"Oh that's nice of you. Mal is in the bathroom changing." Ben told Evie. 

Evie nodded, then looked at Mal's bed, then at Ben's and noticed how messed up his blankets were. "Did something happened between you two last night?"

"What? No. I'm just a messing sleeper." Ben lied.

"Mhm sure." Evie nodded suspiciously. 

"Hey E." Mal walked out of the bathroom. "Oh you got us coffee?" Mal picked up one of the coffees. "Thanks." 

"Yeah. Well if you guys are ready. We should start heading back home." Evie stated, then started backing out.

"Yeah we'll be out in a little bit." Ben replied before shutting the door.

The two finished getting ready, then met the other three.

"So you two have a good night?" Jay asked while smirking.

"Can we just get going now?" Mal responded ignoring the question.

Evie, Carlos, and Jay were smirking at each other as they got into Jay's car. Ben and Mal got into Ben's car, but didn't say anything for a little bit.

"So about last night..." Mal started.

"Yeah?" Ben replied looking over. "What about it?"

"Are we gonna talk about it?" Mal wondered.

"Sure. If you want. What do you want to talk about?" Ben answered.

"Well I don't know. We can't just ignore it." Mal said.

"How about we start focusing on a new plan. Then later we'll talk about last night." Ben stated. "Deal?"

"Okay deal." Mal agreed and smiled at him.

A few hours later they arrived back at Mal's house. Harry and Sabrina also met them there.

"Uh what are they doing here?" Sabrina questioned when she walked in and saw Evie, Carlos, and Jay.

"They're here to help." Ben answered.

"Okay then." Harry walked past them. "So what's the plan?" 

"We were thinking we could find a way to make whatever is in Harvey come out." Ben told them.

"Is that really gonna work?" Sabrina questioned.

"I mean it's worth a try." Mal said with a slight shrug

"I mean I guess so." Sabrina said and shrugged too.

"Okay then tomorrow we will all meet back here. Then we'll go on with the plan." Ben explained. "Deal?"

"Deal!" They all answered some nodding.

The Other Side (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now