The Sacrifice

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Mal was trying to make her way out of the house, but when she walked out Harvey was standing. 

"There you are." Harvey was smirking, then he knocked Mal out.

(At Ben's)

They stopped kissing and Ben reached over and grabbed his phone. He saw a bunch of missed calls from Mal and a voicemail. He pressed the voicemail and listened to it.

"Ben! Please answer! I need your help! There's something really wrong with Harvey. He's possessed or something like Harry!" Mal was saying over the phone.

"Mal! I need to help her!" Ben jumped up and put this shoes and jacket back on.

"Wait what's going on?" Roz sat up.

"Mal's in trouble. I need to help her." Ben told her.

"Okay I'm coming." Roz got up and started putting her shoes on.

"No! Roz, you can't. There's something really wrong with Harvey. I don't want anything happening to you." Ben tried stopping her.

"Ben in case you forgot. Mal and Harvey were my best friends." Roz reminded him.

"Yeah. They're mine too." Ben stated.

"See? Now come on let's go." Roz said and pulled Ben out.

They drove to Mal and Harvey's house and ran inside.

"Mal! Mal are you here?!" Ben ran in calling.

Him and Roz were running all over the house, but no one was in there. Then Ben stopped and ran outside. 

"What? What is it?" Roz followed him out there.

"The woods." Ben stated.

"I'm sorry?" Roz asked.

"If Harvey really is possessed, then he most likely took Mal to the woods." Ben told her. "Now come on we need to hurry." 

They got back into Ben's car and quickly drove to the woods. When they got there they saw Mal holding on to a branch as she was being pulled in the portal.

"Mal!" Ben yelled and ran over to her. He grabbed both her hands and pulled her out.

Mal fell on top of Ben and hugged him as she was breathing heavily.

"It's okay. It's okay I got you." Ben was telling her as he was running his hand on her hair.

He watched as the portal slowly started closing.

"Guys we should get going now." Roz told them.

"Yeah." Ben agreed, then stood up and helped Mal up.

"Thanks again for helping me back there. I would've been gone if it was for you." Mal thanked Ben.

Roz was walking ahead of them and listening to them.

"Of course. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you." Ben responded. "Now come on. You can stay at my place for the night." 

(The next day)

"Harry we need to talk to you." Mal pulled his aside.

"Why what's going on?" Harry questioned looking at the three.

"It's Harvey. The same thing that happened to you is happening to him." Ben explained.

"What do you want me to do?" Harry wondered.

"Do you remember anything from when you were possessed? Like what it's weaknesses are?" Mal was asking.

"No. All I remember was the portal exploded and I was laying on the ground. I don't remember what actually happened." Harry answered.

The Other Side (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora