Chapter 5

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After Obi-Wan disappeared, Rey thought about what he had said. How could she be strong? Sure, she was strong in the Force, but she wasn't exactly brave. She wanted to be though, maybe with her sacrifice, she would finally be a Resistance hero. It was all she wanted. A chance to prove that she was someone special. But she would never know. Forever with Kylo Ren was a long time. If he thought that she would change her mind because of his threat, he was wrong. Before coming to the Resistance, she had never eaten well, and she had hardly ever had enough to eat. She was used to starving. She could survive. There was more to her than Kylo would ever be able to understand.

Kylo Ren still wasn't back yet. She may not have wanted to eat dinner with him, but she was slightly hungry. She just had to avoid thinking about it. Suddenly, she heard a door open. Ren was back already? She walked nervously into the living room but saw Anakin instead of Kylo Ren. She sighed in relief. She didn't want to see Kylo now, or ever. But she knew that he would come back eventually.

"Thought you might be hungry." He handed her some bread, cheese and fruit.

"It's not much, but I had already scared some of the officers with the floating food. I couldn't take any more risks."

"Thank you," said Rey, smiling in gratitude. These Force ghosts were probably the only ones on the base capable of kindness.

"Anakin, there you are! I've been looking for you for a while. Where were you?" Obi-Wan called out.

"With Ren."

Both Obi-Wan and Rey looked up at him.

"What the blazes were you doing with him?"

"He sort of called to me. Or at least thought he was talking to me."

"Did you say anything back?"

"Yes, but he didn't hear me. Even if he could hear me, he still wouldn't listen. There's too much of me within him. I'm sorry, I've doomed us all."

"It's not your fault, Ani." Padme appeared and wrapped her arms around him. He smiled a little at her old nickname for him. After all he'd done, he was lucky to have her back. What would he do without her?

Padme sat next to Rey and looked at the food Anakin had brought her. "Let me guess. He ordered you to have dinner with and you refused."

"How did you know I refused?"

"It's what I would have done. You and are both strong in our own way. We're a lot alike. Leia used to have that same strength, but she seems so burdened and worn down lately. That was a very brave thing that you did, for everyone."

"Even though it cost me everything? Everyone I loved?"

"Love is still ahead of you, Rey. It's not lost forever."

"What do you mean?"

Padme didn't answer her question. "It's late, perhaps it's time we all went to bed."

Suddenly, Rey noticed a faint, blue glow coming from Kylo Ren's room. Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan noticed it too, but didn't want to draw attention to it. If Rey went near it, it would only mean danger for her. Especially since Ren had told her not to go into his room.

"What is that?" Rey asked curiously, starting to walk towards the blue light. Anakin quickly stepped in front of her.

"It's nothing to concern yourself with. Who cares about Force lights?" Obi-Wan did a face-palm gesture and Anakin tried to change the subject, but Rey interrupted.

"There's a Force light in there? That means it's calling to me." Rey was mesmerized. Luke had told her about Force lights. They were very powerful. They could show you your future. Your destiny. Maybe it would give her hope.

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