Chapter 14

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Snoke watched Ben as his eyes turned towards his saber. He knew that he couldn't kill Rey, but Snoke didn't know that. There could be no other moment but now. Once and for all, he would have to kill Snoke. After seeing Rey suffer as Snoke had tortured her, Ben knew what he had to do. And hopefully, Snoke wouldn't see it coming.

"Ben..." Rey's eyes widened in fear. She saw the conflict within him. If he were truly to go against Snoke now, it would require great strength. She hoped that he had it in him. She looked into his eyes. They had softened, and he struggled to keep his emotions in check. She knew what he was planning to do.

"Well, Lord of the Knights of Ren, are you ready to fulfill your destiny?"

Kylo grinned and used the Force to turn Rey's lightsaber on Snoke's throne. "Yes." With a final flick of the Force, the lightsaber ignited and destroyed Snoke. Rey's lightsaber flew back to her and she stared at him in shock. Then they smiled at each other. But it wasn't over. Snoke's Praetorian guards immediately turned towards Rey and Ben and the fight began.

Rey and Ben fought the guards with their lightsabers, while the guards used their electric swords. Most of the guards converged on Ben and only one was fighting Rey. The guard started to attack, and Rey rushed towards him. There was power and energy as she slashed her lightsaber against the sword. They continued to fight, and the guard's sword was close enough that it gave Rey's arm a slight injury, a minor cut. She winced but kept fighting. She couldn't stop now. She looked towards Ben and saw him fighting the three guards. He was an even more powerful fighter than her, clearly more advanced. Another guard came closer to her and she turned around to face him.

Ben saw Rey looking at him as he fought the guards. He knew that she was impressed. As he was fighting, he saw one of the guards hurt Rey. Anger surged within him and fueled his fight even more. More of the guards fell, but it seemed like more were coming as well. Before he knew it, he and Rey were fighting the guards in the same spot, in the middle of the throne room. They fought in perfect sequence, as if they had been training together for years. Rey reached for his hand as she moved her leg to kick the guard in the face. Soon, the two turned around and they were fighting separately again.

Two more guards approached Ben and he fought with everything in him. Suddenly, one of the guards had his arm around his neck. Ben tried to use his lightsaber against him, but he dropped it and the guard had him. After fighting her last guard, the one who had been next to Ben, she turned and saw the guard holding his neck.

Immediately, she deactivated her lightsaber and tossed it to him.

"Ben!" He looked up and caught the lightsaber, igniting it against the guard's helmet. It went through it, and the guard fell. Ben gasped for breath and Rey moved towards him. He could tell that she was out of breath too. That was the most intense fight any of them had ever had. But it was worth it.

Rey held him in her arms and he leaned into her embrace, glad to know that she was safe now. They both were. It was over.

"I knew you could do it. You just had to believe in yourself." Rey smiled at him and he could sense her joy and relief.

"I wouldn't have believed in myself if you hadn't first. Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you." He leaned in to kiss her but saw a mirror out of the corner of his eye. Rey saw it too.
"What is that?"

"It was Snoke's. It's how we know what the Resistance is doing or anyone really." He saw the look in her eyes and he knew what he had to do. No matter how much he wished that he didn't.

"How does it work?"

"You think about what you want to see most. What's most important to you."

Rey looked at him, and he knew that she was asking if she could use the mirror. He nodded, and Rey walked towards the mirror.

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