Chapter 12

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"We'll need a plan." Kylo, now Ben once again, sat in the dining room with Rey as they had their usual breakfast together.

"What kind of plan?" Rey asked curiously.

"An escape plan. It won't be long before I do something that will give myself away. Hux almost noticed something was up. It won't be long before he starts trying to spy on us. He's more loyal to Snoke than he is to me."

"Are we in danger?"

"I might be, but I won't let anything happen to you, Rey. I wouldn't have the strength to do this without you." Ben smiled as he looked at Rey. She was everything to him and always would be.
"What about..." Rey started to ask about Snoke, but then the door to the dining hall opened. Rey and Ben stiffened when General Hux entered. Just the sight of Hux made Rey feel unsettled. Hux definitely could not be trusted. She hadn't heard much about his cat, Millicent, but was sure that wouldn't go well either. Ben didn't talk much about her. He had said that he didn't like cats, but it was much more than that.

"Commander Ren, Lady Ren," Hux acknowledging, bowing slightly. Rey could sense his hatred for Kylo but said nothing. She just wanted him to state his business and be gone. Rey controlled her emotions, and she and Ben both nodded at General Hux.

"Commander Ren, your presence is needed on the bridge." Hux stated formally, but he saw the exchange between the commander and his wife. There was something more to the two of them then they let on. He just had to find out. Perhaps it was time to make the Supreme Leader aware of the situation. Ben looked at Rey for a moment, then nodded and left. He sensed Hux's suspicion. If he kissed his wife goodbye, it would be obvious.

Rey was disappointed but understood why he hadn't kissed her. Hux was starting to become a threat to the two of them. They couldn't give him the slightest chance to be right about their connection, or their plan. The dining room door opened again, and Rey jumped back, startled. When the door opened, BB-9E rolled in. Rey sighed in relief. She knew that she could trust the droid. It would have been hard for the droid to not notice their passionate exchanges, and she had assumed, since neither her nor Ben had been summoned to see Snoke, that BB-9E was not monitoring them. Rey looked at the droid and he chirped inquisitively. Suddenly, Rey had an idea.

"As the commander's wife, I think that I should know what is going on. Don't you agree?" The droid whirred uncertainly and looked at Rey worriedly. He chirped again.

"They'll never know. We'll just watch from a hiding place. Come on!" Rey left the dining hall and BB-9E trailed behind her. He wasn't sure she was making the right decision, but with Master Ren gone, someone had to watch over her. The two of them had a knack for getting into trouble.

Rey looked cautiously down the hallway. Two stormtroopers passed, but they didn't see her or BB-9E. Even if they had, Kylo had made sure that she had clearance to go anywhere on the base that she wanted. The two of them continued on to the bridge. BB-9E reluctantly followed Rey, hoping that the two of them wouldn't get caught, or that she would change her mind. He was fairly sure the bridge was the last place Master Ren would want her to be. Making sure she was safe and out of danger was always his first assignment. Unfortunately, that assignment was not as easy to follow as it looked. Particularly with Rey being so curious about everything. Rey spotted a dark corner with a direct view of where Ben was. She motioned for BB-9E to follow her. He whirred sadly. He had hoped that she wouldn't still go through with this. The corner was tight, but it was secure. No one would see them from there. The two listened as Ben spoke with Hux.

"There have been concerns, Commander. Regarding your recent behavior." Hux stated.

"What concerns?" Ben asked angrily, using the Force to choke Hux. Rey winced as he used his dark powers, but Hux was the last person that should see the light in him. She hoped that it was only an act.

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