Chapter 15

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Rey inputted the coordinates of the Resistance base into the Tie-Fighter. Pulling out of the hanger, she flew away from Starkiller Base and from Ben. She hoped that he was alright. Suddenly, she heard chirping behind her. Turning the ship on autopilot, she turned towards the sound.

"BB-9E? What are you doing here?" The droid chirped cheerfully, ignoring her surprise at seeing him.

"Did Ben send you?" The droid shook his head and whirred sadly. He hadn't wanted to leave his master behind. But he knew that Rey might need him. Besides, orders came first.

"I wish he were here." Rey sighed and BB-9E whirred in agreement.

Soon, the Resistance base was in sight. Rey landed the ship and stepped out. BB-9E followed her. She saw Han, Leia, Finn, Rose and Poe all standing together. She sighed in relief. They hadn't left yet. She still had a chance to save Ben.

"Alright, everyone. Follow me! It's time to kill Kylo Ren and end the First Order!" Poe shouted. BB-8 whirred uncertainly behind him. As much as he wanted the First Order to end, killing Kylo Ren wouldn't be without consequence. Sometimes his master's plans weren't thought through very well. Including this one.

"No, stop!" Rey shouted, and everyone turned to look at her.

"Rey?" Han looked at her, shocked. Rey was alive? He would have thought that Kylo Ren would have done something to her by now. Finn and Rose sighed in relief seeing their friend alive, and Leia smiled.

"I won't let you do this! You can't kill Kylo Ren!" Everyone continued to stare at her.

"Why not? Don't tell me you feel something for this monster. Imagine that." Poe smirked. Rey couldn't possibly feel something for a creature like Ren. Then he noticed the wedding ring on her finger. It couldn't be. It was impossible.

"He's different than you think he is. You have to trust me. I've seen the light in him." Rey looked around, but it didn't look like anyone believed her. BB-9E whirred worriedly behind her.

"It would seem that Ren has sent a spy." Poe remarked, upon seeing the droid. Everyone turned to look at the droid behind Rey.

"It's a First Order droid. It belongs to Kylo Ren." Finn confirmed. He remembered this one all too well.

"He, actually." Rey corrected. "And he isn't a spy. You have to believe us."

Leia stepped forward. "Rey, you understand how difficult that is right now. Frankly, I'm surprised that you brought such a droid into a place as confidential as our base. That droid is going to remember these coordinates and lead the First Order right to us. And if not the droid, the tie-fighter you brought can certainly be tracked."

"I can promise..." Rey started, but Leia interrupted.

"Rey, you know that I've waited a long time to hear that Ben is back. But it's just too much. The Resistance has already been waiting too long and can no longer afford to hope for that. If there was so much light in him, why didn't he come here with you?"

Rey hesitated. Even she couldn't answer that. Only Ben could.

"I'm sorry, Rey. False hope is worse than no hope at all. And besides, you are wearing his ring. I think that answers any other questions." Rey looked at Leia in shock. Did Leia really believe that she was defending Ben just because she had married him?

She turned around and saw everyone looking at her the same way Leia had. No one believed her. All because of a wedding ring. BB-9E chirped behind her in small, worried beeps.

"You're right. We shouldn't have come. Come on." Rey turned to leave, but Finn stopped her.

"What do I do with her, General?"

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