Chapter 6

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"Well, that was certainly an unexpected change. I guess you got through to him." Obi-Wan smiled at Anakin, proud of his former apprentice.

"I knew I would eventually. I just wish he'd listened sooner." Anakin smiled, but seemed weary. It had taken a lot of effort to communicate with his grandson. But it had been worth it.

"Hopefully he'll keep listening to us." Padme sighed. It would be difficult for Kylo Ren to return to the light, but he just had to. There was no other option anymore. Maybe, with Rey, he could finally find a reason to become Ben Solo again. She knew that her daughter and son-in-law missed him, more than either of them would ever admit. Stubbornness clearly ran in the family.

"We'll see, Padme." Anakin held her hand gently. "Now there's finally hope."

Kylo Ren was restless through the night. He kept dreaming of Rey and what had happened in the forest. How could he have ever thought that she deserved to die? He was the one that deserved to die, not someone as kind and gentle as her. He had to apologize. Something he hadn't done in years. Something unheard of for a master of the Knights of Ren.

On Rey's side of the suites, she was just as restless. She had been so close to being killed by the wolves. Why had Ren saved her? She had saved him because it seemed like the right thing to do. She had too many questions and not enough answers. She was still wondering about the lightsaber, too. Why had it called to her if it was his? But why would he have two? His red saber was clearly a Sith saber, but the blue one was a Jedi lightsaber. Maybe he had stolen it from someone? Or maybe it belongs to Ben Solo.

When Rey woke up, she decided to take a walk. No one seemed to notice her as she walked through Starkiller Base towards the outside. Suddenly, a small, black and grey droid rolled in front of her. It looked like a darker, more frightening version of BB-8. Suddenly, he whirred in reprimanding way. It didn't seem very friendly.

"I'm not trying to escape!" Rey defended, understanding the droid's sounds, much to its surprise.

"The droid whirred again. Its chirps grew louder. A few stormtroopers stopped and started to stare at her and the droid. She glared back, and they looked away and continued on.
"Am I such a prisoner that I can't even take a walk outside? If I was trying to escape, I wouldn't let a droid like you stand in my way." Rey started to walk forwards towards the door.
An electrical instrument came out of the droid and it zapped her sharply in the leg.

"Ow! What was that for?" Rey exclaimed, then glared angrily at the droid.

The droid chirped irritatingly. "Not too be trusted? Well, how would you know?"

"BB-9E, that's enough." Kylo Ren's deep voice spoke. He walked toward Rey. She wasn't as frightened of him, especially since his mask was gone. It must have been destroyed last night. Probably beyond repair, since he wasn't wearing it now.

"I hope he didn't injure you too severely." Ren said.

"Actually, he did. Your droid shocked me."

"He must have thought you were trying to escape." Ren said, as if that explained everything, while stifling a laugh at the same time. He hadn't almost laughed at something in years. Why did this girl have such a powerful effect on him? What was it about her that made him want her so much?

"I wasn't. I just wanted to take a walk outside. But your droid won't let me."

BB-9E made another series of high-pitched chirps. Even Ren had to place his hands over his ears.

"I asked her to take a walk with me. She already has clearance. Next time, control your temper. And check the records." Rey watched the exchange between master and droid. The droid dipped its head slowly and Ren nodded. There were no records, of course. But no one ever questioned him.

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