Should've been

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You're at school now. You pat your pocket to make sure your pills are in there and head inside. Once you're in class, you pull out your list of resources you plan to use. It walks in and sits as far as possible from you. Bitch. You get up and plop down next to it. There's a stack of papers as tall as you.

"Where are your sources?" it asks. You wave your paper. "That's it. I should've expected as much from-"

"Calm your tits, this is a list of article names. Front and back." you interrupt. He blinks in shock. "It's smarter than bringing all this shit in."

"How is one supposed to access these sources?"

"Through the internet or known to you as the interwebs." He turns away from you and starts writing. "What are you doing?"

"Writing the paper."

"Have you heard of google docs?"

"Of course, I-"

"Then, you would know that that is best way to work on a group project."

"This is a perfectly fine way-."

"But it isn't the best way." When did I become the reasonable one? You sigh. "My email is (email name). Make a doc and share it with me." He pulls out a flip phone. Oh my god. "Get a touchscreen or else you can't do it by phone." It calls someone and orders a touchscreen phone. It's the brand you hate. Someone actually shows up and delivers it. As it tries to figure it out, girls swarm it. You walk out of the classroom and inhale sharply. The smell of iron wafts past your nose. You pull your glasses off and follow the smell. It leads you to an empty hallway. An almost empty hallway.

Ayato is sucking some poor girl's blood. You silently run back down the hallway and stomp when you re-approach. By then, he has pulled away from her. He walks away and lets her drop to the floor. "I knew-." he says before vomiting. It's red with flecks of yellow and green. It smells strongly of iron. He wipes his chin and rushes in the direction of the bathroom. If that's what a double dosage does, why don't more people use it? A soft whimper pulls you out of your thoughts.

You pull one of the pills out of your pocket and put it in the blonde's mouth. It encourages red blood cell production in addition to repelling vampires. You make sure she swallows the pill before lifting her up bridal style and put your glasses back on. You take her to the infirmary. Then, you go to the bathroom like you wanted to when you left the classroom. On the other side of school. Just great. You don't even bother going back. You wander the school and stay away from your classroom. Before you know it, the bell for dismissal rings. You grab your bike and meet it at the front gate. The entire Sakamaki group is waiting with the girl you took to the infirmary. She's looking better.

"Where did you disappear to?" it asks.

"So you noticed?" you reply.

"Answer the question."

"Since you have to know my every move... Wait, you don't."

"Why do you insist on being so difficult?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm here now."

"Ore-sama needs to know why you smelt so bad earlier!" Ayato shouts. That must've been the height of the pill's cycle. You ignore him and talk to it.

"This is wasting time. We sicken each other with our presence, so let's just get this over with." you say.

"Oi, I asked you something!" Ayato says.

"Those terms are agreeable." it says like you asked it to drink poison. You're lifted up and slammed against the limo. You force yourself not to react.

"Get the fuck off of me." you snarl. He sniffs your neck and you force yourself not to slam his head into concrete.

"You don't smell as bad as earlier." Ayato says and you try to remember when you hit the height of the cycle. Shit! That was three hours ago. I have less than an hour before it wears off. "Maybe even a little sweet." You feel a puff of hot breath against your neck.

"I'm not into whatever kinky BDSM shit you got going on." you say and knee him in the balls. He falls over again. "Where do I put my bike?"

"Amane-san will take it for you." it says. The butler that wasn't there before gently pulls the bike from your hands and puts it in the trunk. He's gone before you can say anything. He pulls open the door and says, "Get in."

"You don't tell me what to do!" you hiss at him. Then, you get in. It's bigger on the inside. You sit down one seat away from the window. The blonde sits down by the window and Ayato sits on the other side of you.

"It seems like you can't help but fall into Ore-sama's arms." he says.

"I would never love someone like you!" you spit out, tired of his flirting. He grabs you by your wrists and forces your hands above your head. He uses his free hand to reach towards the buttons on your shirt.

"He isn't shaking like the other human. Why isn't he shaking Teddy?" the sleep deprived child asks. You knee him again and give him a taste of your right hook.

"Ore-sama will take your firsts." Ayato says.

"Bold of you to assume I'm a virgin." you reply.

"Ha! What will the great Ore-sama do now?" Fedora teases.

"Why do you care anyway? I'm just your ordinary guy." you ask because there's no reason for him to be so fixated on you. To him you should be no one special. He's about to respond, but something puts him in a daze. It puts all the vampires in a daze. What could...? The pill wore off. Already? You swallow the rest of the pills in your pocket and hope no one notices.

The blonde stares at you and them and it seems like she's putting the pieces together. You signal for her to be quiet and say, "Meet me in room 157 tomorrow before class. I'll explain then." She mumbles an okay back. You can feel the pills kicking in and they come out of their daze.

Then, you're in the belly of the beasts. The front door of their mansion, because that is not a house.

Just Your Ordinary(Diabolik Lovers x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now