I find

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When you arrive, someone tries to tug you in the opposite direction of the library, but you yank your arm out of his hold. It's the same guy from before. He's wearing a stupid hat. "You're not even scared, are you?" he asks. He's not holding his eyes anymore. Calm down, he's not worth a reaction. You school your features to appear disinterested. "I can't wait for that to change."

"Why don't you pay attention to me?" the boy asks. Doesn't he have a bedtime? He attaches himself to your back. If you didn't look ten, I really would punch you for daring to be so close. You walk up the stairs and into the library. He puts his head on your shoulder and you sit down next to Reiji.

"I'll tell Dankworth-san to work on the last 3.7K words." you say.

Unbeknownst to you, Reiji narrows his eyes at Kanato when Kanato tries to bite you. "May I inquire as to why you're carrying my brother?" Reiji asks.

"He just hopped on my back. I don't mind carrying children." you reply.

"He's 17." he deadpans.

"In that case..." you say as you drop him. I really thought he was just a tall child.

"Why do you always ruin things? Why can't I have a turn?" the purple-haired teenager screams.

"And now you've encouraged him." Reiji says.

"Me?!? This sounds like years of family issues!" you shout. Reiji fixes you with a disapproving stare and you walk out of the library.

That turns out to be a mistake. As soon as you turn the corner, you're slammed into the wall.  Hot puffs of breath hit your neck. You hear Ayato say something but it doesn't register. He's gonna bite me. You feel fear. You pull out one of your many hidden daggers and stab him in the ribs. He falls back and you run. You barely register anything.

Next thing you know, you're home. "Is that...?" your dad asked.

"It's not mine." you remember replying. You black out and wake up in bed with clean clothes on.

You yawn and sluggishly walk to the bathroom. You turn the shower cold to shock yourself awake. I...stabbed Ayato. Welp. I'm fucked. Goodbye sweet life. You get dressed and walk downstairs. Your dad is waiting for you. "Nothing's gonna happen, huh." he says unimpressed. It takes you a moment to process that.

"That was a week ago! How do you still remember that?" you ask.

"Your mother said she's going to recruit Komori-san. She'll be over when you normally go to night school. Do you...?" he says instead.

"I have to go." you say. "She'll still have next weekend off right?"

"Yeah. Hayami-san won't be there today though. Are you sure?" he responds.

"Yeah, I'm sure." you reply and pause. "I love you, dad."

"What's bringing this on?" he asks concerned.

"I just realized I hadn't said it in a while."

"Well, I love you, too." he replies pulling you into a hug. You munch on fruit until it's time to go. "Take care."

You give him another hug and drive to school. You've barely taken ten steps past the gates when you're grabbed and pulled into a limo. You manage to elbow someone in the face and punch someone else in the balls. "Who the fuck-?" you ask before cutting yourself off. What you see makes you freeze. It's him. The vampire king. And because you can only make things worse for yourself you ask, "Is that your mom?".

"(L/n), I presume. Where's your mother?" he asks. You try your best to steel your nerves and respond naturally.

"None of your fucking business!" you shout. He tries to snatch your glasses, but you lean back at the last millisecond.

"You know who I am. You will show me the respect that is due." he says. It's no use. They probably already know.

"YoU KNoW whO i Am. YOu WiLl-." you mock while trying to pull out two of your hidden blades. You aren't expecting him to slap you. You immediately bring your blades down on him. He manages to get away with minor slashes. "Yeah, I know. What're you gonna do, kill me? I stopped fearing death once I learned what it was." Blood wells up from the cuts and you throw yourself away from him. You open the door and say, "See you in class." They're all in such a state of shock that they don't stop you. You speed walk to class and wait until it fills to talk to Reiji.

"You're a-" Reiji starts.

"Yeah...and you're a vampire. I obviously can't come over anymore." you interrupt.

"It's quite a shame. Your presence has shifted to tolerable, almost pleasurable even." he remarks.

"You grew on me, too." you reply. Like a fungus. You go back to your seat and don't listen to the teacher drone on. You get up to use the bathroom and regret it immediately. The one with the stupid hat is in there. You try to back away but, he grabs your arm.

"We're not done yet." he says.

"I don't even know you." you say ripping your arm away. You try to walk out of the bathroom again when he slams his fist into the wall next to you shattering the wall next to your head. "You're damaging school property. Anyways, I don't have to listen to you. If you don't move, I'll make sure you won't touch me again."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" he asks condescendingly.

"I'm just telling you what's gonna happen." you answer. He moves as if to grab you and you stab his hand.

"Ow! Fuck! Why?!?" he shrieks. You give him a look and pull the blade out of his hand. He screams again and you walk out. I'll just go at home.

You're ambushed by Dankworth-san on your way out. You slam him into the ground and have a blade to his throat before you recognize him. "Sorry," you mutter and start walking away. He keeps pace with you.

"Wow! The ice queen of Silver Wood Academy apologized!" he says. You try your best to ignore him. "What's wrong?" You pull him to the side.

"The vampire king knows I'm a hunter. His sons have been attending this school since before I've been enrolled. He's planning something." you say.

"How can I help?" he asks.

"Be my barrier. Some of his sons are obsessed with me and I don't need that stress along with trying to find out what he's planning."

"Anything for my future husband."

"I'm leaving now."

Just Your Ordinary(Diabolik Lovers x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now