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"pfft it doesn't matter I'm done with him he mad all you want I'm going to the studio."


"Bye hyung"

"What the hell happened to him Jungkook is never like that at all. He love Yoongi hyung and would never do that to him. Ever."

*sigh* "I know Taehyung. It's weird he's never had a outburst like that. I never thought he would at all. Just let him I'll have to talk to him later but till then let's try to get Yoongi out."

"Why did he run in the kitchen before he ran in the bathroom?"

"I don't know Jimin maybe I think he grabbed something?"

"Yoongi hyung are you ok?
Are you awake?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"You sure"

"Yes taehyung im fine I just want to take a shower please"

"Uhm ok..?"

Yoongi POV

There is so much blood; surprised I haven't killed my self yet.

I don't want to come out. I'm scared to face everyone. It's only 5, I can't just sleep cause Jin hyung would wake me up to eat, everyone will keep coming in every 30 minutes to make sure I'm fine when I'm not, but they don't care really. If they did they would have stopped Jungkook from yelling at me but whatever.
What about this knife?
Oh I'll just hide in it under the sink... I'm dumb.

"Yoongi hurry please. You need to eat and go to sleep."

"Yes hyung, I'll sleep right after I'm done."

"You mean after you eat?"

"Eat? Nooo are you crazy?"

"I'm going to force food down your throat if you don't eat when you are done. You got that?"

*sigh* "yes hyung."

~15 minutes later~

"Oh Yoongi there you are. I made some lamb skewers (I'm 99.9% sure I spelt that wrong), your favorite."

"Hehe thanks hyung"

My fucking legs hurt, I can hardly even move my arms, my eyes hurt from crying. I wish this day would end already, more or less my life as well.

"How is it Yoongi-ah"

"It's good"

"Are you ok."

"I'm fine I'm just really tired, I really want to sleep."

After I throw this food up.

"Were did Jungkook go hyung?"

"Don't worry about him Yoongi he's a grown ass man he can survive for a couple of hours I'm sure"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm for sure! Now you should probably go to sleep, if you can't finish those."

"Ok hyung, I'm sorry for what happened earlier."

"No it's not your fault I should have controlled him more."

*sigh* "ok then food night hyung."

"Night Yoongi-ah"

*hoseok, Jimin, taehyung, and Namjoon attack Yoongi with a hug*


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