{二} Friendly

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  A loud banging at his door alerted Celeste and Yasuhiro.

The duo had been playing cards together on their downtime together, alternating between the two's rooms since the first day they'd gotten there.

They could talk about anything from the killing game to their anxieties. However Yasuhiro quickly learned that it was best not to pull teeth for an answer to her childhood, things that she liked to do or much of anything else, she just was her ultimate.

   Celeste looked at Hiro, without saying anything, insisting that he should get it. Yasuhiro rose and walked to the door, hesitantly opening it, greeted by Ishimaru, standing boldly. "Oh, hey." Hiro stepped to the side.

 "it's just him." he informed, pointing to the moral compass. Celeste nodded, relaxing visibly. "Hello Ishimaru." she greeted with a smile that seemed strange to Yasuhiro. "We've decided on a morning commute! If you would please join us in the dining hall that would be great!" 

Hiro nodded and turned to Celeste. "Wanna go?" she nodded with a smile. 


     Touko and Byakuya sat across from each other separate from the group because  it felt safer, Celeste and Yasuhiro sat next to each other without realizing it but after Ishimaru's speech Yasuhiro found his female friend staring at him. "What?" she hummed, confused. "You're starin' at me, it's a little spooky, not gonna lie" Hiro said with a small laugh. "Oh, I apologize." She looked in a different direction. 

"Nah, it's cool you just, looked a little lost. Unless you were staring through me." Celeste looked confused. "through... you..?" She asked, cocking her head slightly. "It's a thing where people space out lookin' at you without realizin' it, I figured you just didn't know you where staring so I didn't bother saying anything." Celeste made an o shape with her mouth, recognizing her sudden ignorance. 

"Just thinking." She said. In reality, let me let you in on a little secret; Celeste is very adaptable, she wanted a rich man and admittedly, if you asked her, she'd tell you; she would only ever date or marry for money, however she found her options falling short in a room full of poor, dumbasses.

The spotlight falls on Byakuya in this case, but she's hesitant, he's pretty arrogant but she could get over that. "I'll be right back, k?" She said, standing and turning to Yasuhiro.

Hagakure smiled and nodded at her, an unfamiliar and newfound fondness for the female drawing him to want to ask her not to go anywhere, he wouldn't obviously, he knew it was just the anxiety of the idea that we're all in a great big killing game.

      Togami crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair, observing the room, when a shadow next to him caught his eye, he sighed, looking over at Fukawa knowing it clearly wasn't her. "Hello there." Celeste greeted with a friendly tone. "hm." Byakuya sneered, ignoring her, not because of social status, she just freaked him out.

"I was wondering if you would like to spend some time with me later on, maybe we could search for a way out together post morning commute?" Celeste smiled, putting her fingers together.

"Tch, what are you, a child?" Byakuya sneered, not bothering to give her the time of day. "Hm?" Celeste furrowed her brow. "Don't make me repeat myself." Celeste giggled. 

"Your arrogance is phenomenal." Byakuya glared at her, a glance being offered was all Touko needed to want to throw this chick through the closest drywall.

"I'll speak with you later yes?" Byakuya didn't bother responding. "Merci, mon amour" Celeste went back to her seat as byakuya scoffed under his breath. "W-What is it m-master?" Touko peered, irratation in her tone. "Don't worry about it." he leaned back and crossed a leg over the other,  a calm aura surrounding him. 

   "T-Togami-Sama m-may i s-s-sit down?" he sighed deeply. "Need I repeat myself?" she shook her head in disappointment, looking down at the floor, "B-Bya-" The progeny cut her off abruptly. 

   "Watch your mouth." he was now looking dead at her, sharing gaze with her, knowing at least one person was looking at the two of them. "S-Sorry... P-please forgive me...." Togami relaxed, realizing he was holding his breath, something felt... offsetting when he said stuff like that to her.

Touko didn't intimidate him or anything, but he felt so uncomfy and disgusted whenever she looked at him, clearly hurt by his words. Something Byakuya noticed about her is that she flinches when he raises his voice or speaks too sternly. Something in him knew the reason behind her obtuse behavior but he couldn't put his finger on it.

  Touko wasn't all that intimidated by what others would feel was an abusive relationship, considering the fact that he ignored and neglected her feelings.


The four's seating remained the same. As the second morning commute Ishimaru went through a head count, per usual. 

"Hold on! Wait!" Kyoko stopped him in the middle of counting. Everyone's eyes turned to her. "Where are Sayaka and Naegi?" Everyone glanced around the room, panic and fear running through each of them.

Had there been a killing? Did some brutally murder not one but two people?

    Everyone rushed to "Makoto" and "Sayaka"s rooms, banging on the door and laying into their doorbells, Aoi, recieving no response to Makoto's dorm, the same said for Sayaka's, until Byakuya tried simply openeing the door to "Sayaka's" room, the battlefield that laid in front of everyone, common shock factor from everyone in the room.

Makoto laid out on the floor, Sayaka.... well... yeah.

Byakuya walked to Makoto as everyone rushed in, flooding to the bathroom. "He's alive, just out." Sakura looked down, "How could anyone do this..?" she quietly asked herself in disbelief.

ding dong, ding dong~


Everyone's gaze fell to the monitor, which had also taken quite the beating even though it was fairly high up,,

That's something they should remember. 

"A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!" the monochromatic bear announced, swirling his drink. "After a certain amount of time (which you may use however you like) the class trial will begin!"

"We should get Makoto out of here..." Kyoko suggested, looking over at him. "and probably all go to the gym to collect ourselves." she added after spotting the room's mood, though deep in thought, everyone seemed to agree. "But how do we move him?" Aoi queried. "I'll carry him!" Yasuhiro volunteered, a wide smile on his face.

"Then we'd better hurry up before he comes to and passed the hell out again." Togami said, a slight chuckle under his breath.

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