{九} If it Makes you Sleep Any Less Peacefully

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   "M-Master..?" Byakuya turned on his heel, figiting with his glasses as  a nervous tic. "T-Togami-s-" She chased after him, stopping just short of running into him as he turned around suddenly. 

"Don't act friendly with me. Don't even say my name." he was piiiiiissed. Byakuya walked to his room and unlocked the door, touko just kept talking. "M-Master... I-I'm sorry I-I D-Don't know w-what happened..!" Touko put the scissors back in their position on her thighs. 

"I thought you two didn't share memories." he walked in slamming his door behind him. Touko chewed her bottom lip, knowing syo had said or done something stupid again, she laid into his doorbell, ringing it constantly as she proceeded flustered, confused and overall embarrassed.

Makoto stepped out of his room, furrowing his brow at the sight of Touko. "Uh.. Touko?" she didn't seem to hear him. "Syo?" Touko's eyes shot open as she stopped ringing the bell and looked over at him. "O-oh. it's just you... well, hey uh.. Are you like... okay?" she fell to the ground, sobbing suddenly, 

"M-Master i-is... m-mad at m-m-meeee!!!" Touko shrieked, grabbing her braids. "Hey, I bet he's like super chill, Byakuya's just like that sometimes, y'know? Plus he doesn't really like you all that much... no offense." Touko probably would've said 'none taken' if she weren't weeping her guts out.

"B-but hey, you'll see him tomorrow, right?" Makoto reminded, scratching his neck while trying to find the words to get her to chill out.

"N-No! I-I'm staying here t-till he opens the d-door!" Touko rose again, wiped her face and went back at the doorbell, spacing out again, hiccuping as she did so, sniffling, clearly still crying, makoto sighed. "Well make sure you eat something... I guess..." he walked off, confused and slightly worried about the female.

Let's jump about an hour, shes been off and on ringing the bell, at this point she's just laying at the door. Byakuya drew his door open and looked down at the sleeping girl, 'maybe i can just slip past her, then we won't have to deal with them.' 

he closed the door and stepped over her but the change in wind speeds or something fucked her up; shooting her up in panic. "M-master?!" he sighed deeply, closing his eyes. "P-Please I-I-I'm so sorry! I-I-I d-don't even k-know what s-she did! I-I w-wasn't e-even close to f-fronting!"

Byakuya looked over his shoulder. "Ask her." Touko shook her head. "I-I-I can't r-reach her! I-I-I've been t-trying s-since this m-morning I t-thought s-she was far e-enough away to l-leave m-my room.." 

Togami scoffed. "How'd she know?" Touko furrowed her brow. "Know what?" he turned around the whole way. "What I told you, about them." touko shrugged her shoulders, entirely unsure. "W-We s-share general k-knowledge l-like J-Japanese b-b-but i don't k-know."

"Do you keep a diary?" Touko looked off embarrassed. "So yes. She probably read it this morning or something." he thought quietly to himself. "P-Please f-forgive my m-mistake..." 

Byakuaya sighed deeply. "I don't think we should be... us." Touko started crying again, of course. "W-What..?" she froze up. "I don't think I need to repeat myself." he reminded.

"M-Master! I-Isn't t-this k-kinda a-an overreaction..!?" Fukawa question. "G-give me o-one reason w-we s-shouldn't be together!" she added, nearing tears. "I've thought about killing you if it makes you sleep a little less peacefully." Byakuya informed, walking away nonchalantly.

Touko, tangled her fingers in the hair at her scalp, screaming, alerting Makoto and Kyoko who were talking around the corner. The duo ran over. "Are you okay?" Kyoko asked sternly, Makoto looked panicked, reasonably so. "What's wrong?!" 

"T-Togami-S-san-" she hyperventilated, taking a moment to catch her breath just enough. Makoto and kyoko relaxed, realizing she was fine. Touko stood and ran off to her room, opening the door and locking it behind herself.

"I guess she's a lost cause." Makoto said, leaning over to Kyoko. "I'm just glad she's fine."

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