{ 四} You Love her though, Don't you?

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  Byakuya sat on his bed, sighing in irritation as he reflected on a post-trial conversation he'd had with the girl who haunted his thoughts.

yay flashback 

     Touko laid on her bed, a hand rested over her mouth, other arm rested across her stomach. The ringing of her doorbell catching her off guard. The door opened, making her tense. "I told you about not locking your door, you idiot." Byakuya! A tone washed over Touko as she shot up, facing him happily. "T-Togami-san!"

Fukawa watched as the progeny locked her door and pulled a chair up to her bed, taking a seat. "Let me see her." Touko's eyes widened. 

"N-No! s-she c-c-could k-kill you!" Fukawa shook her head. "I'll be just fine, how do I bring her out, do I say 'genocider syo' six times or something idiotic like that?" he jabbed.

Touko didn't say anything for a minute until she sneezed. "Bless you." Touko pulled scissors out of thin air, something about her aura changed and Byakuya just knew in that moment, he was in the presence of a serial killer.

"HAHAHA IT'S ME MOTHERFUCKERS~!" Syo beamed, examining Byakuya's features. "Genocider Syo." she clinked the scissors against each other, something about such a simple action forced Togami to feel uneasy.


Byakuya sighed, realizing he had been holding his breath. "Syo, right?" she nodded enthusiastically. "I've been gone for a while so I betcha don't remember me, huh sweet stuff~!?" she asked, crossing her scissors in an 'x' over her crotch. 

Togami shivered, trying to feel disgusted but was more disgusted at himself that he couldn't be. To-Syo leaned dropped to her knees and leaned forward, examining his face, trying to regain her fucky memories.

    "Genocider." she rasied an eyebrow. "What do you know about this?" she looked even more confused. "Huh? OH you mean the STAB STAB game ms. morose agreed to! Well sweetie.......!" 

    Byakuya sighed as she drew the breath out. "I CAN'T TELL YOU! AHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!" She shouted, falling back onto the bed, living her best life. 

"Why not?" Byakuya scoffed. "WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL!!!! The foundation said not to spill the beans on the plan!" she put a pair of the scissors over her mouth as though she were shushing him... or herself i guess? 

  "The foundation?" "WHOOPS! I'VE ALREADY SAID TOO MUCH HAHAHAH!" she fell onto her back in laughter. sliding the scissors back into her gaurders. "Oh! And since you don't rememeberrrr; if you touch her in any way she doesn't like, I might just have to color myself blackened in this motherfucker!"  syo warned, emphasizing with her hands above herself, before closing her eyes.

A patient silence confused the progeny. "Hello?" Byakuya snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Wake up! Hello! I'm not done talking." he eventually gave up with a sigh and stood, making his way the door.


Byakuya turned around. "T-Togami-S-sama! W-w-w-what happened!?  d-d-did s-s-she hurt you y-y-you..?" Touko referred to Genocider as 'she' and 'her' like you weren't allowed to your grandparents after they took your DS and pissed you off because it sounded disrespectful.

But Fukawa mean that shit with every inch of disrespect and rudeness she could, an unevenness like her name was venom on her tongue.

   "No. She was quite useless actually." Byakuya continued to turn the doorknob. "Come to breakfast tomorrow, I want to eat with you."

back to present 

Byakuya walked to the dining room, with the impression that a little tea could calm his nerves, his feelings for Touko were becoming fatal and he wasn't too sure how to handle it. 

Passing the table of the poker playing couple he made it to the kitchen and quickly started on the water, gradually pouring the milk in small amounts. Footsteps caught him off guard but he remained calm, quick to find out it was Celeste. "Quit on that game, hm?" he teased with a smirk as he placed the milk to the side, dropping the top on the kettle yet again.

  Ludenberg giggled. "Of course not, I just heard you making tea and came to ask if you'd mind pouring me some." She said, a condescending smile on her face, making Byakuya feel unsafe around her alone.

"If you'd like to, once it's done you may pour yourself a cup, it that's what you so desire" Togami slighted, sighing underneath it. 

"Why thank you. How may I repay such kindness?" Celeste asked. Almost on cure Yasuhiro walked in, flicking the cards he held in the opposite hand, dropping them into a pocket. "Hey, Byakuya!" He scoffed in response.

  "Hey Ludenberg-sama?" she hummed with a smile, something about it underlined in generousity, or at least Byakuya thought so, however, it'd be hypocrytical for him to say so, since he's pretty hard to read himself.

"Wanna play a round of Gin?" Hiro asked but more begged. Celeste giggled and nodded, resting her hands (intertwined) on dress. "Sure baby. If you like we could try to time it." Yasuhiro nodded excitedly. 

  "I'll be there in a minute, just deal my hand she raised her hands," making an X with her fingers. "and don't peak, alright?" Hiro nodded and basically ran back to a table, Byakuya turned the flame off and poured himself a cup of tea. "I know how you can repay me," 

Celeste hummed. "Tell me this; what do you see in that guy?" he finally made eye contact. She giggled. "Money, Now I wouldn't tell just anyone this, so keep it hush hush, but I like his balance, he's got the goods in all the right aspects. all of them." She insinuated, finding a teacup and shuffling past Byakuya.

"So, he's stupid and rich?" Byakuya confirmed. "That's what i said isn't it?" She said with no remorse, pouring herself a drink. "Just making sure you heard yourself." Togami sipped his tea, making his way to the door. "You love her though, don't you?" she dunked a spoon full of sugar into the teacup. Making Byakuya stop dead in his tracks.


"You love Touko, for real, right?" she asked taking a swig of the tea, turning her shoulder to look Byakuya in his scared face. "No." he started sternly. "She's a commoner, and she's a... queer, queer girl." he took deep breaths that he didn't notice at first. 

   "You didn't say you hated her~" Celeste said with a smirk, walking past Byakuya and back to the dining room. "Ready?" Yasuhiro nodded quickly. 

Didja catch the "Trust me" referance? It's in the Syo/Byakuya scene if you missed it. I hop

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