Chapter 3 : changes

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Stings view.
"Wait I'm his mate!?!?" I suddenly couldn't breathe. How could I be his mate? I thought of him as a brother. Omg Wait that means that rogues gay! That's why he never did anything with girls . He was saving himself for me!!!!! No this is a dream this isn't happening? Fuck have I had feelings for him too. No I'm straight. But at the same time all the things we did together. I remember when we kissed at his sweet sixteen for kiss or drink. His lips were so soft and sweet. When we pulled away he was blushing heavily I always thought it was because I was his first kiss . The whole time he had feelings for me. Omg am I in love with rogue!!!!!Gajeel shook me. "You have to find rogue. Have you noticed any physical changes in you." I turned my head confused. What does this have to do with rogue? "Have you noticed that your powers are stronger or your hairs a different color . Also has your dick gotten bigger." I looked up at him in shock "what does this have to do with sting?!?!" He shock his head at me "idiot it's a stage in mating season. Now answer the fucking question !!!" I stood their thinking about it . "Well I guess my hair had gotten a bit darker and I assumed my dick was getting bigger because I am more sexually active." Gajeels eyes wentwide . " Fuckkkk you need to find rogue now . Before he dies ." I looked up at gajeel shocked . I started to feel really dizzy . "Wait... he can die from this!!!!!?!??!!!!!" No he can't die yet. He is so young. He is only 23 . Omg I am killing my best friend. No no no no no. My vision started blurring. No he can't leave me yet. I can't loose him. No he is the only person I trust. He never told my secrets. He never betrayed or hurt me. Yet I'm killing him. He should have told me. I could hear my heartbeat pounding faster and faster. No rogue . I'm so sorry . I didn't mean for this to happen. You are my only friend. I will find you. I will show you I care. I will show you I'm not rejecting you. I will find you even if it kills me. The world starts fading to black and the last thing I think before falling to the ground is... I love you rogue .

I hope you guys enjoyed don't be afraid to vote for this and ask what's happening next.

432 words

Dragon mating season : sting and rogue Where stories live. Discover now