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03. Oktobar 2019.

još od prošle godine sam bukvalno opsednuta citatima i oboavam da ih čitam tako da sam danas odlučila da neke moje omiljene podelim sa vama❤︎

"Yesterday is history, tommorow is a mystery but today is a gift. That's why we call it the present."

"Having the same taste in music as someone else is like a soul connection"

"Noone can make you happy until you're happy whit yourself first"

"Sometimes, you really can't explain why you love a person. It's just the way they are nd haow they can take you to a place where noone else can"

"I know i have friends but i feel like i have noone to talk about the sh*t that goes in my head."

"Kada bi ona bila pahuljica, ja bih sigurno bio Januar. I ne bi nas mogli zamisliti jedno bez drugog."-Djordje Balašević

how to stop time: kiss.
how to travel in tme: read.
how to escape time: music.
how to feel time: write.
how to release time: breathe."

"The most beautiful thing in life aren't just things. They're people and places, memories and pictures. They're feelings and moments and smiles and laughter."

"Do you ever just want to sit outside with someone and talk all night?"

"There are two side to every story."

"Stop waiting for friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life."

"The best thing in the world is seeing other people smile because of you."

"Some days you feel sad without knowing why, like you lost something very precious but forgot what it was or you lost someone you never met."

"Silence isn't empty, it is full of answers."

Nadam se da vam se svidelo xx
love you, bye
Teodora x

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