Little Mikaelson

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It's been three years since Niklaus Mikaelson adopted the little girl.

He named her Charlotte Gracelyn Mikaelson and she was his anchor. Every bright smile she'd shine his way would light up the darkness that clouded his mind. Every little laugh was like music to his ears. Every waking moment Charlotte was in his life would melt his heart and make him human all over again.

She was his saving grace and he adored her almost as much as she adored him. Even as she slept soundly as he tucked her into bed.

She curled up with the Evee plushie he'd gotten her three years ago and mumbled a "G'nigh dada." in her sleep.

Klaus smiled softly, pressing a feathery kiss to the toddler's temple and covered her tiny figure up with the thick fluffy blankets before carefully, and quietly crept out of the room. As soon as the door to her room was shut with a soft click, Klaus sighed softly. Walking downstairs as quietly as possible.

The Original Hybrid watched as his comrades pushed the coffins of his siblings into a large room. He followed, silently debating with himself.

"You've got your family back. Finally." a hybrid named Daniel piped up, looking towards Klaus with curiosity shining in his eyes, "You're gonna open them?"

Klaus sighed, "I'm still thinking about it."

Daniel nodded, letting a chuckle slip passed his lips, "Charlie's excited. It's all she talked about while you were out today." Klaus' lips quirked into a smile as a laugh rumbled from his throat.

However, before he got the chance to response Daniel fell to the floor with a sickening thud. Revealing Elijah, who had been standing behind him. Klaus froze the instant his eyes settled on his brother.

A gust of air struck him. Klaus' head snapped to the direction it went, his stormy eyes settling on his younger brother.


"Long time, brother." the younger Original male shot back, smirking deviously at the dirty blond. Another harsh breeze stole the hybrid's attention. "Finn..." he muttered, feeling his heart drop as he heard the click of heels from behind him.

He turned sharply, only for a dagger to plunge deeply into his abdomen.

"This is for our mother!" Rebekah growled, glaring dangerously as Klaus staggered back, stumbling into Finn's arms.

The siblings were so preoccupied with each other that they hadn't heard the soft creek of a bedroom door. Nor did the soft pitter patter's of bare feet go noticed as a tiny figure crawled down the steps.

Klaus was scared... no petrified. If they killed him, what would happen to Charlotte? They wouldn't hurt her, would they?

Please, anything but Charlotte.

Don't let them hurt her.

Not her.

Anyone but-


The little voice seemed to stop all movement. Startling the Mikaelson's into freezing for a solid minute before the siblings all looked to the source of the small voice.

A little girl stood a few yards away. Wide blue eyes watching the Originals with curiosity and fear as she clung to her Evee plushie with her thick fluffy blanket wrapped tightly around her shoulders, trailing behind her like a train to a wedding dress.

Klaus' undead heart dropped. Anxiety swelled in his chest as his fear for Charlotte's safety grew overwhelming.

The moment Charlotte's gaze settled on the stranger's hurting her father, her royal blue eyes flashed a stark crimson hue as her, currently blonde, hair flared a matching color.

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