Errand Run

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A sharp, high pitched scream rang throughout the Mikaelson mansion. Immediately waking everyone in the household.

Klaus was instantly in his daughter's room, taking the toddler into his arms as she cried and screamed, clinging onto the hybrid like her life depended on it as he whispered soft words in her ear and rocked her gently while rubbing her back.

It took, what seemed like hours to the Mikaelson's, to calm Charlotte down enough to get her to talk.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" Klaus spoke softly, brushing her fat tears from her cheeks as she whimpered, bottom lip quivering.

"B-bad dweam." she hiccuped, burying her face into his chest. He kissed her head, and held her tighter, "Can you tell me about it? It'll help you feel better."

"I-I t-taw bad n-nana a-an' meanie Ewena an'.. an' they k-kiwwed d-dis man an' he camed back an' kiwwed dada an' e-eberyone ewse." her voice quivered, her cries escalating once more as she clung to her father. "No die dada!" she whimpered, sobbing hysterically.

Klaus glanced up at his siblings and Gaia, who had nowhere else to stay, before sighing softly and looking down at Charlotte.

"I'm not going anywhere, princess." he soothed, petting her hair like he always did when she was upset.

"No one's going to die, sweetheart. Okay?"

"Pwomise?" she sniffled, holding her tiny pinkie up to her father. He smiled softly down at the little girl, linking his large pinkie with hers.

"I promise."


Two days passed since Charlotte's nightmare and she hasn't left her father's side since, not even for waffles. No one could blame her though, she'd watched her father die, any child would be messed up after that.

"Still clinging to Niklaus." Kol mused, watching the father-daughter duo from the parlor as Klaus spoke to his hybrids.

The other Mikaelson's, including Caroline, Bonnie, and Gaia, watched as well, all growing concerned for the toddler.

"Can you blame her, Kol?" Henrik sighed, a frown pulling on his lips.

"Her powers are coming in faster than I thought." Gaia stated, leaning against Finn with a sigh, "I'll need to speak with the ancestors soon."

"I'll join you." Bonnie piped up, earning a nod from the ginger woman.

Caroline looked away from her lover and daughter figure, "What are we gonna do about Elena and Esther? Isn't the full moon tonight?"

Elijah released an exhausted breath, "It is."

Kol looked to the witches, "Can you two try to find her? We will confront her tonight."

"Got anything of hers we could use?" Gaia replied, pulling away from Finn and standing so she could stretch, Bonnie following suit. Elijah stood as well, "Would her grimoire suffice?"

"It's perfect," Gaia confirmed, earning a nod from the nobleman, "Follow me then."

As the three left, Kol rolled off the couch he was laying on and sped over to his older brother and niece. "Hello, Angel. Would you like to join me for a little errand run?" he smiled softly, she whined, hiding her face in Klaus' shoulder.

"Charlotte, sweetheart, I promise, I'll be right here when you get back." Klaus assured, rubbing her back gently, "Go with Kol, maybe you can get ice cream while you're out?"

Charlotte shook her head, tightening her little hands on Klaus' shirt.

Kol sighed softly, "Charlotte, do you truly think your father would die so easily?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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