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Charlotte was a giggling mess as she danced with her Uncle Kol, her tiny feet settled on his large dress shoes as he held her little hands.

Beside them, Caroline and Niklaus were dancing, talking and glancing at the two every once in a while. Kol smirked as he scooped Charlotte up, earning a squeal of laughter from the child. The couple couldn't help but laugh as the little girl's nose scrunched up, a wide grin gracing her face.

"Having fun I see." Gaia chuckled as Charlotte snuggled into her Uncle's chest. 'Uh-huh. I wube Unca Kola-beaw.' Charlotte smiled, a little, kitten-like yawn leaving her lips.

"I know." Gaia mused, "Make sure your family doesn't drink the champagne during Esther's toast tonight."

Charlotte hummed, 'Who Esthew?' "Your grandmother, silly." Gaia answered.

'Oh, otay.' Charlotte chirped, 'Hey, how come I can heaw ou but can't see ou?'

Gaia sighed softly, as Charlotte yawned once more, "Because it's not quite time for us to meet yet. Soon, I promise, Charlotte." Charlotte smiled, 'Otay. Bye-bye, Gaia!'

"Goodbye, little one."

The dance soon came to an end, Klaus, Kol, and Caroline left the ballroom with a sleepy Charlotte nodding off in Kol's arms.

"Time for bed, little wolf." Klaus chuckled, taking Charlotte from Kol's arms.

"No, I wanna stay up." she pouted, nuzzling her father's shoulder as another little yawn escape her. "If you go to bed now, your Dad and I will take you to get waffles tomorrow morning." Caroline offered, holding Charlotte's tiny hand in hers.

"But bad Nana gon huwt Dada and Unca Kola-beaw and Unca Eli, and Unca Finny, and Auntie Beka." Charlotte frowned.

Klaus frowned as well, looking at his little girl. "Hurt us how, darling?" Kol inquired, brows furrowed. "Da shame-pain thingy when she ake toast." Charlotte mumbled, eyes drooping closed, "Don dwink... it."

"We won't, darling. Just sleep, everything will be okay." Kol assured, pressing a soft kiss to her head, "Pinkie pwomise?"

"Of course." he chuckled softly, linking his large pinkie with her tiny one, "Sweet dreams, little one."

"Nigh-nigh...." Charlotte hummed, her small hands clutching her father's shirt as she finally dozed off. Caroline gave Kol a kind smile before walking with Klaus upstairs to the toddler's bedroom.

"Klaus, is she a witch?" Caroline asked softly, passing the child's Evee to the hybrid as he tucked her in, "I'm not sure. She's always been... different, but she has abilities that I've never seen in a witch."

The younger vampire nodded, "I could ask Bonnie to look into it?" she suggested quietly, unsure of how Klaus would react.

"I doubt she would help me of all people willingly," he replied, "I'm nothing but a monster in your friend's eyes."

Caroline frowned and pressed a soft kiss to Klaus' lips, "You're not a monster, you're a father who would do anything to protect his family, especially his little girl." she stated firmly as she cupped his face with her hands, her thumbs brushing against his scruffy cheek.

"I'll talk to Bonnie, you make sure the others don't drink that champagne," she ordered, "Okay?"

"Yes, my love." he chuckled softly, stealing another kiss from his lover. Caroline rolled her eyes playfully, "Shoo, go." she waved, laughing as he grinned cheekily.

Once he'd gone, she pulled her phone from her clutch and dialed her witchy friend's number.

"What do you need, Care?" Bonnie answered and the vampire sighed softly, "I've got a favor to ask, but you're not gonna like it."

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