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The Mikaelson's, Caroline, and Bonnie watched apprehensively as the littlest Mikaelson hugged the strange woman's leg.

"Hello, Charlie." the woman chuckled, picking Charlotte up and placing her on her hip. Klaus' face changed and a growl tore past his lips as he stepped forward threateningly, "How do you know my daughter?"

The woman looked at the hybrid unimpressed, "Put the fangs away, mutt. I'll get to that."

"Gaia!" Charlotte huffed, "Don be mean to Dada."

Gaia sighed, adjusting the toddler on her hip, "Alright. I'll play nice."

"Tank ou." Charlotte nodded in approval, laying her head on the woman's shoulder. Gaia smiled softly, rubbing the child's back.

"Gaia, was it?" Elijah spoke up, drawing the woman's attention to him. "Yes, and you're Elijah, right?" Gaia mused, earning a nod from the suited Original, "Yes, ma'am. May I ask how you know my niece?"

Gaia sighed and set Charlotte down, "I'm Gaia Olympus, one of the first witches in existence." the woman informed, calmly seating herself on an empty armchair, "I was put to sleep until the Chosen One finally arrived."

Caroline's brows furrowed as she picked up Charlotte. "Chosen One?" she echoed, resting her cheek against Charlotte's head.

"Mother Nature." Bonnie interrupted, "Charlotte is Mother Nature."

"I no Mommy," Charlotte muttered confused. "Silly child." Gaia laughed, "Mother Nature is just a title. You, my dear, are a Queen. Queen of the supernatural world."

Charlotte tilted her head, "Nu-uh. Dada King and Mama Queen. I pwincess."

"Mama?" Bonnie repeated, raising a brow at the child. Charlotte looked at her and beamed, "Cawowine Mama!" Klaus and Caroline both flushed bright red at the child's statement, Gaia, Kol, and Rebekah burst out laughing while Finn, Bonnie, and Elijah looked to the couple with knowing looks.

Charlotte smiled innocently and looked to her parents. "Can I habe waffs now?" she chirped, looking hopefully at them.

Klaus cleared his throat, managing to regain his composure, "Yes, baby girl, you can have waffles now." he looked to his siblings, "You four get ready, we're going to the Grill and you two are joining us." he told the two witches.

"Sure." Gaia shrugged.


Charlotte bolted into the Mystic Grill, her family, Bonnie, and Gaia right behind her. She didn't get too far into the crowd of patrons before Kol scooped her up, holding her like a child would hold a teddy bear.

"Don't run off, darling. You could get hurt," he warned, carrying the toddler to a large, unoccupied table. "Otay, sowwy." Charlotte chirped as she was set down in a chair.

"I'll go get a high chair," Caroline informed and walked off after Klaus nodded.

Klaus smiled softly as Charlotte played eye-spy with Bonnie, Gaia, Finn, and Kol. To think, three years ago all he cared about was finding and killing Katherine Pierce.

Now he's a hybrid with an adorable daughter, a beautiful girlfriend, his loving siblings, and loyal hybrids that adore Charlotte and himself. He wondered what would've happened if he'd never gone into that ally that night and never took Charlotte in.

He probably would've been dead, killed by Mikael or his sibling's hands, or lost in selfishness and egocentrism.

Charlotte was his little saving grace.

"Dada!" Charlotte exclaimed, raising her little arms to be picked up. Klaus chuckled softly, lifting the toddler into his arms. "Meanie Ewena an' bad Nana awe at Ewena's house." she frowned, "Dey wanna huwt Mama an' Bon-Bon cause dey wit us."

Klaus smiled reassuringly at the toddler, "Don't worry sweetheart, I won't let anyone hurt Mommy and Bonnie."

"Pinkie pwomise?" she pouted, holding her little finger out. He chuckled softly, linking his pinkie with hers, "Pinkie promise."

Caroline returned with Charlotte's high chair. Klaus pressed a chaste kiss to Caroline's lips before setting Charlotte in her chair.

"What was that for?" Caroline mused, brow raised with an amused smile gracing her bright pink painted lips. Klaus looked to the blonde, a loving glint in his eyes and a smirk playing on his lips, "No reason other than loving you."

The Forbes girl blushed heavily, "Y-you're so cheesy." she sputtered.

"Okay, love birds. Sit down so we can take our orders." Kol interrupted, smirking teasingly at the couple. "Oh hush, Kol. They were having a moment!" Rebekah scolded.

Finn rose a brow, "Yes, because a bar and grill is the most romantic of places to have a 'moment'."

"Ooh, when did you get so sassy, Finn?" Gaia laughed. Finn smiled small, red dusting his cheeks at the sweet laughter of the ginger witch. Bonnie and Elijah sighed, shaking their heads at the family's behavior, small smiles playing on their lips as well.

Charlotte giggled, clapping her little hands happily as she bounced in her seat. Her golden yellow eyes shining brightly.

Before anyone knew it, Finn and Gaia were seated beside each other. The same thing having been done to Elijah and Bonnie and Caroline and Klaus. Kol and Rebekah were on either side of Charlotte.

Startled, everyone looked to the giggling child. They didn't get to question her before a waiter ventured over.

"Hello, welcome to the Mystic Grill, what can I get you today?" Jeremy Gilbert greeted, looking nonchalantly at the Mikaelson family and the two witches.

"Stawbewwy waffs!" Charlotte exclaimed, beaming as she bounced in her seat.

Jeremy chuckled, "Sure thing, kiddo. Want anything to drink with that?"

"Can I habe stawbewwy kiwi juish?" she asked, tilting her head cutely. Jeremy smiled, "Of course." he looked to the others, "And you guys?"

Everyone quickly ordered and once Jeremy had walked off, they looked to the child who smiled innocently, kicking her little legs.

"Charlotte, love, did you switch our seats?" Rebekah spoke gently. The little brunette looked down, "I in twouble?" Kol gently tussled her hair, "Of course not, darling. Why did you do it?"

"I no mean too. I was tinking how unca Finny and Gaia wike eash oder and unca Eli and Bon-Bon wike eash oder. An.. an... it happened." Charlotte mumbled, playing with the hem of her shirt, "Awe ou mad?"

Kol, Rebekah, and Klaus smirked as their brothers and the witches flushed bright red. "No, little blue, we're not mad. Anything but." Rebekah assured, lightly kissing the child's head, "But you must be careful next time. There are bad people out there, okay?"

"Otay." Charlotte nodded, her attention quickly nabbed by the plate of strawberry waffles sliding in front of her with a goofy face made of blueberries, for the eyes and mouth and whipped cream for little fangs and kitty ears, on top.

The toddler squealed excitedly, "Unca Kol! Look! Look! Kitty!"

The reckless Mikaelson chuckled, affectionately kissing the little brunette's head, "I see, darling." Kol looked to the Gilbert boy, smiling kindly at him, "Thank you."

"No problem." Jeremy grinned. Both brunets feeling odd flutters in their chests but pushed the foreign feelings aside. The Gilbert boy went back to work, quickly handing the Mikaelson's and co. their food before heading off.

Charlotte munched happily on her waffles, her attention focused solely on the breakfast treat.

"She certainly likes waffles." Caroline giggled, watching the toddler in amusement. Klaus chuckled and took a large gulp of his scotch, "You've no idea, my love."

Charlotte was oblivious to the world as she and her family ate and talked, enjoying their time together. Not a single one of them noticed the two figures watching them with heated glares. Right now it was the calm before the storm, and everything Charlotte knew was about to be turned upside down.

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