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Charlotte woke alone to silence.

She frowned and hugged her Evee close, blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she carefully slid off her father's bed, her tiny feet sinking into the soft rug beneath her.

The soft pitter-patter of her feet sounded as she clumsily trotted to the cracked open door. As she did so she could hear the voices of her father, aunt, and uncles. She smiled brightly, mischievousness glinting in her eyes as she crawled down the stairs backward.

It took her a bit, but she eventually made it down the long spiral of stairs and followed the voices of her family.

The voices were coming from the sitting room, an unfamiliar voice met Charlotte's ears, so she didn't immediately run into her father in case this was a bad person. Instead, she peaked around the corner.

A strange woman who looked older than Finn stood, talking to the Mikaelson siblings as if they were children themselves all over again. The woman gave Charlotte a bad feeling in her tummy, she'd talk to her Dada, Aunt Beka, and uncles about it later because right now Charlotte just wanted to cuddle with her father.

"Be careful, little one. That woman is dangerous." a woman's voice rang in Charlotte's ears. The child looked around, hugging her Evee tighter.

"Don't speak out loud." the voice warned, making Charlotte even more confused, 'Otay, who awe ou?' the brunette thought.

"You can call me Gaia." the woman answered, Charlotte nodded, 'Otay. I Chawwotte!'

Gaia's soft laughter rang, making Charlotte smile. "Lovely to meet you, Charlotte. I have to go, but remember, that woman is bad. You have to protect your family. Okay?"

'Uh-huh! Bad wady! Pwotect Famwy!'

The littlest Mikaelson padded unsteadily towards Klaus in determination. "Dada, up." she chirped, holding her little arms up. The hybrid chuckled softly, lifting the toddler onto his lap.

The unknown woman watched in amusement and confusion as the little girl snuggled into her hybrid son's chest. "Niklaus, who might this little beauty be?" she inquired, smiling in a sweet way that made Charlotte shift uncomfortably.

"Mother, this is my daughter, Charlotte." Klaus smiled, adoration glittering in his eyes as he looked at his little girl.

Esther's eyes met Charlotte's, something dark shining in her eyes. Something bad. Evil.

"Hello, Charlotte. I'm your grandmother." Esther stated sweetly, Charlotte hid her face in her father's chest. Klaus obliviously chuckled, "She can be quite shy at times, especially when she's tired."

"Of course." Esther chuckled, looking to her children, "I suggest you all start preparing for the ball tonight."

"Yes, mother." the Mikaelson siblings responded.

With that said, the Mikaelson matriarch left the room. Charlotte lifted her head, looking around cautiously, "Is something the matter, baby girl?" Klaus inquired, watching as Charlotte crawled off his lap, hugging her Evee and dragging her blanket around as she trotted towards the door, peeking out into the hall for a good minute before doing the same thing to the other door.

"Charlotte?" Klaus tried, he and the others watching in confusion.

Once the toddler was satisfied, she waddled back to her family, a look of seriousness on her chubby little face.

"Nana bad wady," she muttered, "She wanna huwt Dada and Auntie and Unca's!"

"Nonsense, your grandmother isn't bad. She loves us, and you, little one." Rebekah stated, waving the toddler's statement off.

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