~ Six ~

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"I feel like you deserve a better name than Tombstone," Peter said, observing the man in front of him carefully. "I don't know, it just doesn't suit you."

Tombstone just raised an eyebrow, not attempting to do anything.

It was okay. Peter was shackled to the walls, he couldn't do anything.

"... I know!" Peter cried out a second later. "Gary! You suit a Gary. I'm calling you Gary now."

Once again, Tombstone barely had a reaction, this time clasping his hands together and leaning back against his chair.

"Anyway, back to, you know, actual business," Peter said, his eyes hardening suddenly, "why am I here? What do you want with me? I understand why Toomes wants me here, but you're apparently the head of the operation, not him. So why?"

Once again, Tombstone said nothing.

"Like, I admit, I kinda ruined Toomes' life, I get it and I'm sorry, but I haven't even met you before. It took me a moment to remember your name, so you know... Help me out here by answering my questions, please."

Peter, once again, tried the puppy dog eyes (they'd worked on the guard, why wouldn't they work on Tombstone?).

They didn't work.

"Woah, okay, that was just disrespectful. Absolutely disrespectful. Do you hate puppies or something?"

No response.

"Why are you keeping me here?"

No response.

"What did I do to you, exactly?"

No response.

"Well, I'm done with this. If you wanna be silent, be my guest, I'm capable of annoying anyone. It's my talent."

Still no response.

Peter would have been certain that Tombstone had fallen asleep if it wasn't for the lack of closed eyes.

Maybe he had the capability to sleep with his eyes open?

He didn't even know if that was a thing.

"So, uh, how's life?"

Okay, Peter really needed to think of better conversations starters. His current ones were horrible.

"Tell me again, please, why I'm in here."

"Experiments," Tombstone finally spoke. "You have spider powers, we want to test them."

"... Dude, I thought you fell asleep or something," Peter said, raising his eyebrows. "So, anyway, why do you want to test them? Why not just watch me being awesome on the TV? You know, like normal people do?"

"We don't know your limits, Spider-Man," Tombstone spoke, crossing his arms across his chest. "We need to. We can tell that you're special to the Avengers, and that may be our advantage. The only way to use it, however, is to find out your weakness."

"Too bad," Peter sneered, rolling his eyes. "My only weakness is - hold up, let me think - oh, I know! Evil megalomaniac villains who try to kill me every day! But I've kinda grown used to them now, sorry."

It was clear by the expression on Peter's face and the sarcastic tone that he used that he was not sorry.

"The first test will be happening soon," Tombstone spoke, pretending that Peter hadn't said anything before. "Prepare yourself. It will not be easy to face."

"What is it, a mirror? I hate to say it, but I've faced that every day for most of my life, I've just about got used to my ugly features by now."

Despite the fact that Peter felt utterly hopeless (he had almost gotten out, he should've been quicker, why wasn't he quicker, he could be with Tony right now) he was still able to make jokes.

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