Chapter One

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Wolfkit tumbled over her larger brother, Dartkit and chased each other around. "Let's play pretend warriors!" Wolfkit mewled enthusiastically. "Dartkit, you be ShadowClan. Your camp is over by the thorns. I'm ThunderClan, and my camp is by the heather." She demanded
"No fair! Why does my camp have to be at the thorns?" Dartkit hissed defiantly. "Fine! Your camp is by those large stones and grass." Wolfkit huffed. She dug her long claws into the soft soil and drew a line.
"This is the border. So you are leading an attack on ThunderClan, Dartkit. I'm the bravest warrior in ThunderClan and I will stand up to you and fight like all of LionClan!" She yowled arrogantly. "And I'll fight like the TigerClan!" The huge dark tabby kit argued.
The two litter-mates broke out in a play fight. Wolfkit tumbled under Dartkit, and Dartkit swiped her flank. Wolfkit sprinted towards Dartkit, leaped, and locked her claws into the dark tabby's thick fur. Dartkit nipped the dark gray she-kit's tail, and butted her forequarters. Wolfkit squared her shoulders in a crouch and lashed her tail furiously. She arched her back and hissed. "Stay off of ThunderClan territory!" Wolfkit yowled playfully.
She reared back and stamped on top of her brother, too slow to act, Dartkit was pinned by his smaller sister.
"I won't give up that easily!" The huge tom snarled precariously. He lashed his tail at Wolfkit, making her flinch. Then pinned her down. His sister softly raked her claws down her brother's belly, pretending to do a belly take like her father taught her.
A giant dark tabby paw split up the two play-fighting kits.
"Little warriors already." He chuckled in a deep intimidating voice. "Your mother will be proud." He added. "Father!" The two litter mates squealed in sync. "Can you teach us how to hunt?" Wolfkit meowed confidently. "Sorry, but not till' a few more moons." The dark tabby sighed in a sympathetic voice.
"By the way, the hunting patrol has come back with some food. I bet you little warriors are hungry from all that tireless playing around." He purred. Tigerfur always called both his kits, 'Little Warriors' since he was very proud of their skill in fighting.
Wolfkit and Dartkit ran restlessly towards the mouth-watering scent of fresh kill.
The dark gray she-kit picked out a plump squirrel, while Dartkit scarfed down a mouse. "Let's go exploring!" Wolfkit mewed. "I'm tired, I'm going to nap. I'll catch up later." Dartkit yawned wearily.
Wolfkit nodded and padded around camp vigilantly.

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