Chapter Two

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A moon later, Wolfkit had grown large in her size, especially for a she-cat. As for Dartkit, who was almost the size of Grizzlypaw. He had gotton plump and muscular from the previous play-fights he had with WolfKit. Quicksilver, their mother licked them both clean and made sure they would be on their best behavior.
"I expect you two, to listen to your new mentors. I don't want you to cause trouble and make your training delayed by one moon." The gray-in-ginger queen meowed consistently.
"We will." The litter-mates promised.
Then CrocidileStar called out. "Will all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Highledge to hear my words!"
The cats started to gather around. Wolfkit was amazed on how many warriors there were. It seemed like a giant clan to her. A dark-brown tabby tom, sat next to a golden-brown tabby. TigerFur stood diligently on beside CrocidileStar. Moonfur sat pridefully above her clanmates.
"Today two kits will become apprentices. Dartkit, will you step up please." The clan leader ordered firmly. The cats stared at Dartkit and he glanced shyly as he strided to CrocidileStar. "Dartkit, do you promise to follow the warrior code and train to become a warrior?!"
"I do!" Dartkit's heart swelled with pride after he yowled that.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, you will be known as, DartPaw until you receive your warrior name, Duststorm, you will have the honors of mentoring this apprentice!" The dusky leader addressed.
I hope I get SleekOtter! Wolfkit thought confidently.
The ThunderClan cats began to chant DartPaw's name. "DartPaw! DartPaw! DartPaw!" They cheered.
"Wolfkit, please step up." CrocidileStar meowed firmly.
It felt like the whole world was staring at her. Wolfkit's heart sank as she slowly padded up to the Highledge. CrocidileStar touched Wolfkit's shoulder with the tip of his tail.
"Wolfkit, do you promise to follow the warrior code and train to become a warrior?!"
Wolfkit paused for a moment, closed her eyes, and said.
"I do!" She roared like a lion.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, you shall be known as Wolfpaw until you receive your warrior name. RedClaw, you worked hard for an apprentice, train her well." CrocodileStar rasped.
Wolfkit leaped down like a fox and ran towards her mentor and touched noses with him. From that day on, WolfPaw would never feel the same way ever again.

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