Chapter Three

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"When will training begin, RedClaw?" WolfPaw mewed curiously. "As soon as Moonfur wakes CrocodileStar." RedClaw replied sarcastically. Wolfpaw giggled, the red-white tom smiled at his apprentice. "We may as well just go start training now, WolfPaw." RedClaw cooed. Wolfpaw was bouncing up and down enthusiastically, "Oh I can't wait to start! Let's go!" The dark gray she-cat hissed impatiently. RedClaw ducked under the bramble entrance with WolfPaw hot at his heels.
RedClaw opened his jaw and sniffed the air for prey. Mouse, vole, robin, Thrush, squirrel, and magpie? RedClaw thought, then the bird flew over his head and pecked poor WolfPaw till' she hid in a thicket. RedClaw laughed and soon WolfPaw started to laugh too. "I'll catch that stinky magpie if I get the chance." She boasted while finishing her laugh.
"Alright, back on track. Hey WolfPaw, try to scent what's around you." RedClaw meowed. WolfPaw opened up her jaw to pick up scents like RedClaw.
"I smell prey, and........ ShadowClan?" She reported confusingly.
"I smell them too. Let's check the borders!" He ordered firmly, but calmly. They scouted around the borders and spotted two intruders trespassing with prey dangling from their jaws.
"Hey! What are you two doing on ThunderClan territory!" RedClaw hissed. His hackles rose and made him look like a lion to WolfPaw. WolfPaw imitated the position RedClaw was doing and hissed.
"ShadowClan belongs with their rotten prey-eaters!"
"WolfPaw, hush!" RedClaw scolded.
"This prey belongs to ThunderClan, and ThunderClan alone!" The red-white tom growled.
One of the cats stepped forward to RedClaw.
"This area belongs to ShadowClan. And you flea-bags are trespassing our territory!" He snapped
"This area is ThunderClan's, prey-stealers! SkunkStar won't like to hear his own warriors were hunting on ThunderClan territory!" RedClaw hissed, arching his back, claws unsheathed.
The two ShadowClan cats backed off.
"You filthy kitty-pets may have won this time. But the next time we meet, there will be no negotiation!" The tom yowled.
"Come on WolfPaw, help me take this prey back to camp and we'll tell what happened at the Shadow/ThunderClan border." RedClaw sighed mindfully. WolfPaw acknowledged his decision, and followed him back to camp with a mouthful of fresh-kill.

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