Chapter Four

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The stench of twoleg monsters clawed WolfPaw's stomach. It surprised her clanmates on how far the smell reached camp. At the sudden surprise of several twigs snapping at one time, WolfPaw shot a glance over near the thistles. There stood, a tall, lean twoleg with a pack of leashed-dogs.
She closed her eyes for one second, and saw CrocodileStar clawing a larger dog's stomach. There were battle cries coming from the ThunderClan cats, they yowled bravely against the dogs. The twoleg made an unreadable expression that WolfPaw couldn't quite make out.
TigerFur clawed out chunks of flesh from a smaller dog. Quicksilver was at TigerFur's aid and killed the dog. Duststorm and DartPaw were working together to outwit a very muscular dog.
Blood was spilled everywhere.
WolfPaw tried to avoid conflict when a golden, lop-sided dog came streaking towards her.
A flash of dark-brown fur tackled the mutt and was thrashing after it's tail. "Father!" WolfPaw wailed. RedClaw came running to the attacking dog and slashed it's belly.
WolfPaw was frozen to the ground. She heard a series of barks, howls, and hisses. Then Quicksilver came sprinting with fury as she helped her fellow clanmates fight WolfPaw's attacker.
"Come on WolfPaw, FIGHT!!!" TigerFur snapped furiously. WolfPaw snapped out of her fear and precariously ran to find another cat to aid.
She ran to help DartPaw attack the same muscular dog. WolfPaw sliced it's throat. The dog wailed with pain and fury. Then, DartPaw butted the legs of the dog, Knocking it on it's side. WolfPaw sunk her teeth into the dog's neck until it fell limp. Duststorm padded over to check if it was dead, then nod his head of approval. The tabby warrior was astonished. He had seen the two new apprentices kill that dog in a small fight.
Then DustStorm noticed an unusually large fang in the back of WolfPaw's upper jaw.
"Good Job you two. Keep fighting, hopefully the dogs will go away." Duststorm purred.
WolfPaw ran to check on TigerFur, RedClaw, and Quicksilver. The Warriors had defeated the dog, but Quicksilver's body lay limply by TigerFur. The dark tabby was grieving over his dead mate, and WolfPaw grieved too.
RedClaw dipped his head with respect for the fallen she-cat. Then, TigerFur disappeared into battle. RedClaw sat by WolfPaw. "Come on, we need to help our clanmates. We can give your mother a proper burial after we drive the dogs away." He meowed.
WolfPaw nodded with her eyes wet with oily tears. She got back into battle with her mentor and spilled much blood.

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