i would like a hug please

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 Have you ever just really, really loved someone? Loved them in the way that makes your hands tingle in sync with your brain when they brush the back of their hand against yours or when they smile at you? Loved someone so much you feel like you could forgive them for anything... Hearing them laugh makes you happy, as if on command, no matter how bad you feel, watching them smile is prettier than every vacation you ever wished you could take with them.

The breath that they take as they open their eyes in the emerald hours of morning seems like it could be a sentence. It doesn't matter what happened the day before- it's calm now, and nothing matters. Why should it matter, when their are so many greater things in life to share with the people who care about you the same way you care for them. Every word that comes from their mouth is important; fights, swearing, words choked out in between laughs as you clutch your stomachs as your cheeks cramp up from laughing. It matters- because it's new, and it's them, and at the same time it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter because you know that no matter how hard you might try, if you ever even wanted to, you know that you couldn't ever fall out of love with them.

Even when your chest is tight with pain and you think you'd rather just be done- lay down your sword and give in, on the days when you don't think you'll ever breath right- be right- ever again, their voice is like a blanket. It's cold when you feel it first, but a cooling kind of softness, and as you relearn to speak it warms up, conforming to the shape of your mind, coating everything with a caramel finish that keeps the acid out of your head.

Have you ever loved someone so deeply that you know that it's just instinctively right? That every moment you have with them feels like a gift, like waking up and knowing that it'll be a good day, like it's the natural conclusion to a Dm7. It doesn't even occur to you that you used to live without them in your life- because it seems like you've had them for forever. Doesn't occur that someday you'll be without them.

Have you ever just really, really loved someone?

trying something different today. i'm in a mood, i guess. thoughts?

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