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Chapter Twenty- Six.

"You don't get nothing positive out of projecting your hurt onto those who don't deserve it." —Briana Vasquez.

Ceen's Shopping Plaza
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Four tires screeched against the inky pavement, as the Honda Accord they belonged to; horn blared whilst the car came to a reeving halt right at Citrus's feet. She quickly jumped back onto the sidewalk, in fear of being ran over. In a whirlwind; out jumped an angered Briana Vasquez. She slammed the door behind her, her fierce eyes moving in on Citrus.

"Brix what the hell?!" Citrus gripped her grocery bags tightly.

Onlookers zeroed in on the two, taken aback by the sudden outburst. It was morning time and the small plaza was filled with those who favored getting in and out of the stores during the early hours, as opposed to the late. So imagine their surprise at the sudden change in environment. The scene had never been this loud before.

"Are you fuckin' dumb or just that down bad?" Briana moved into Citrus's space.

"Huh?" Citrus pulled her neck back. "If this is about Braelin—

"No," Briana stomped her foot. "What's this about you telling my mother we were conspiring against her to get custody of Bain? What the fuck is that Citrus?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me," Briana scoffed. "I will lay your ass out right here in this parking lot. Going behind my back and making deals with her so that she can keep Bain? What the fuck?"

"She needed to go to rehab," Citrus affirmed. "That's the only way I could convince her. She cares about Bain."

"Citrus that's bullshit and you know it! You don't give a fuck about my mother. You did that shit to benefit you for whatever reason," Briana frowned.

"That's not true."

"It is! You can do whatever you please but where I draw the line is when you bring an innocent kid into all of this. He isn't safe with her."

"She won't get him Briana," Citrus exhaled. "There's no way that she'd beat you in court. I was just saying what she wanted to hear."

"But why even tell her in the first place? Then you give her the money for a lawyer? I can't win against that shit. I only have a public defender! Who just told me about all of this just this morning. She's in rehab and cleaning herself up, with a nice house in a nice neighborhood that you're paying for! All the money you provide her with benefits her in more ways than one. You know that I don't even have a decent place to stay yet. I had my love for him though and good intentions, and now that might not even work!"

"You're stressing for nothing."

"She's an addict Citrus! Strung out off of my father and drugs! You can get her off one but not both. Lord knows I love her but my love can only do so much for someone who doesn't love themself," Briana stressed. "And you're no better because you know that you're taking advantage! You're using her!"

"You don't think I have the right?" Citrus chuckled. "After all that bitch put me through?"

"You watch your fucking mouth," Briana grilled.

THE MISFORTUNE OF CITRUSWhere stories live. Discover now