Resting place

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Mary abruptly turned around at the sound of the bell, to face the twenty-seven year old man holding a sleeping eleven year old in his arms. "Oh deary me! You sure scared me!", Mary said, visibly shocked at the sight of the pair.

"Um...sorry?", Harry replied sheepishly, concerned for the woman.

Mary answered the unspoken question, "It's alright hun. Oops! Sorry I forgot to ask if you have a Booking here, I seem to be a bit forgetful without Dylan around anymore."

She seemed to get lost in her memories for a moment before snapping back into the present.

"Yes, I'm James Lillian, I booked a room online..?", he replied hesitantly, shifting the teal haired boy, to restore blood flow to his arms.

She looked at the computer on the desk before finding the name she was given.

"Ah, here it is!", she announced triumphantly, "I always seem to get so confused with technology nowadays! They seem to keep making them even more complex as time goes on. Honestly, computers are hard enough to use anyway! Right, I went off topic again. You will be in room 9, here's the key deary."

She handed over a small silver key connected to a tag indicating it as the ninth room's key.

With the key acquired, Harry enquired about the location of the room.

"Oops, silly me! It's the corridor to the left over there.", she pointed to the door on her right, "It's the fourth door on the right", Mary replied.

She questioned whether he needed anymore help and receiving a negative response and a 'thank you', went back to her work.

Harry, using the instructions given, reached the oak door with a metal nine emblazoned on it. He shifted Teddy in his arms to reach the lock with the key and push open the door gently.

He walked into the hotel room, closing the door behind him and carefully placed his child on the bed by the window. Surveying the room, Harry stretched his arms before covering Edward with the soft duvet.

The walls of the room were painted a light beige colour and the matching carpet and curtains were a soft, pale green colour.

There were two double beds, both adorned in a mint green duvet cover and three pillows in creamy white. A light grey blanket was draped across the end of each bed and a single oak bedstand to the right of each bed with a delicate lamp stood on the centre of the wood.

An ensuite bathroom was bathed in darkness, as the door was only slightly ajar, and a large oak dresser perched underneath the window with glass ornaments lit up by the evening sun. A modern television was mounted on the wall, with it's remote placed on Teddy's bedstand.

Locking the door and windows , Harry deemed the place safe enough to sleep in, having drove hours previously, he slumped back onto the empty bed by the door and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

Harry's eyes were under shadowed by bruises from lack of sleep and his face, haggard after constant driving for 4 days.

The Wizard And The Hunter, a Harry Potter and Walking Dead crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now