Obliviated memories

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An astonished Harry sat down on to his and his wife's shared bed.

'How long has this been going on for? Is the only reason I love Ginny love potions?', Harry mournfully thought to himself.

Harry's conscience answered meakly, 'Yeah. This has been going on for years. I had to hide all of the memories they supposedly obliviated from you, but I lost the ones from your younger years as I wasn't strong enough to go against Dumbledore. All I remember was a flash of light coming towards us then nothing, I don't even remember why Dumbledore was there.'

'Hey, do you want to see the memories I hid?', James asked softly.

'..Sure.', Harry answered.

*Start of flashback*

Images started to flash by like a roulette until, it suddenly stopped.

Focusing on the stairs by the Griffindor common room, Harry and James heard a mocking voice echo up the stairs to where the body of second year Harry stood, listening in.

"I hate that insensitive prick, always getting all the attention! I want attention too! Ooh, I'm Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, I have lots of money, but I keep it all to myself, despite the fact I drag my 'best friends' into danger every year! I get sooo much attention no one pays my greatest best friend, Ronald Weasley, any attention at all!", Ron ranted to Hermione.

"I didn't know you felt that way, Ron.", Hermione said and at these words, Harry hoped that she was on his side and not Ron's.

Harry's hope was shortly crushed by Hermione's next words,"I feel the same, I mean Harry always gets higher grades in DADA than me, it's not fair! He doesn't even study like I do for the next lesson ahead of time! What's worse is that Dumbledore does nothing about it! It irritates me! Everyone always goes to Harry for help and never me! I am the smartest witch of the century not Harry James Potter! People should come to me for help not him!", Hermione shouted in anger.

Past Harry walked down the stairs and into the common room,"Are you guys planning on going to bed anytime soon? We have double potions tomorrow morning after breakfast and you don't want Snape to catch you sleeping in lesson.", he asked.

"Did you hear our conversation Harry?", Hermione questioned Harry sweetly.

Harry turned and looked shocked at Hermione,"Was I meant to hear it?", he asked confusedly.

"No, but Haaarry did you listen in on our conversation?", Hermione spoke in a sickly sweet voice as though she was speaking to a misbehaving child.

"No 'mione, I didn't hear a thing", said Harry trying to hide his decietfullness.

"We need to erase his memory of this conversation 'mione or Dumbledore will dock our payment.", Ron stated firmly.

"Okay Ron!", Hermione replied, suddenly chipper.

Harry backed away, the sudden personality change alerting him of the danger. He tried to dart back up the stairs, when a shout of 'stupefy' and a beam of red light collided with his body and subsequently stunning him and causing his body to collapse to the hard stone floor.

Knowing that an obliviate was coming in his direction, he thought 'Oh no! James can you hide the memories until I find out more information on their betrayal.'

James replied back in affirmative before securing the memories in small book to be placed into Harry's mental library. 'But why not...sooner?', James asked.

In reply, Harry answered,'I want to find out more about their betray before I escape from their grasp.'

Outside Harry's mind, Hermione stood in front of Harry preparing to obliviate Harry's memories. "Obliviate", she called out, erasing Harry's conscious memories of their conversation.

*End of flashback*

Harry sat absorbing this information with a scowl on his face.

Was it worse that Ginny used love potions on him and Hermione helped make them or his supposed best friends hated him and only were his friends due to money given to them via Dumbledore?

Harry didn't know but he decided to get a divorce from Ginny and pass on the Gringott's debt to Ron and Hermione instead, after all he had a 5 and a half year old godson to look after.

Andromea was diagnosed with leukemia 14 months ago, with the medical  treatment as well as her old age, she was incapable of looking after Teddy, her grandson.

So with these thoughts, Harry climbed into bed and fell asleep with a softly murmuring coming from a small bed in the corner of the room containing his godson.

The Wizard And The Hunter, a Harry Potter and Walking Dead crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now