Introduction to Death

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It was the middle of the afternoon when Harry next woke up.

The walls of the Weasley family house were lit up with mid-day sunlight as the sounds of screams of delight sounded from outside.

Harry sat up, duvet gathering around his waist, fumbling clumsily for his glasses on the bedside table.

He slid them on his face then scanned the room for others.

Seeing that both Ginny, his soon to be ex-wife, and Edward were both out of the room, he climbed out of bed with sleep's claws digging in deep.

He stretched before deciding to change out of his sleepwear and into something more appropriate for the day he had ahead of him.

He walked down the stairs before looking around for his godson, Teddy.

Seeing he wasn't in the kitchen or living room of the Weasley patriarchy, he looked through the kitchen window, only to find the source of the childish screams.

The youngest siblings of the Weasley family, the backstabbers, and the other traitor, Hermione.

They squealed like the money stealing pigs they were as another threw joke jelly filled balloons at the others.

Harry, remembering the conversation he overheard last night resigned himself to going without breakfast.

He sighed, leaning back against the kitchen he hadn't eaten since last night's dinner and missed his usual midnight snack so all in all this day was going terribly.

The creaking of the door awoke Harry from his brief daydream and a multicoloured stained Ron entered.

"Hey mate, where you going? Bit fancy for going to work." Ron asked, a judgemental look on his face.

"Oh I just have an important meeting with the Minister and the Deputy-head of DMLE. I will be back around dinner time and I will pick up Teddy from daycare." responded Harry, brows furrowed.

"Oh ok" Ron replied disinterestedly, stuffing his face with food despite probably having ate only a few hours ago.

Harry quietly sighed as the information he found out was confirmed, he really did hate him.

"See you later then Ron" Harry said as he threw the magical green dust into the flames.

A mumbled dismissal sounded through what sounded like porridge as Harry stepped into the green flames and shouted, "The Ministry!"

~{Magical Teleporting Line}~

Harry stumbled out the fireplace in a cloud of soot, practically coughing his lungs out.

"Are you okay sir?" A young woman asked, holding out a handkerchief to Harry.

"Yeah" he replied before coughing again, "Are you working here?" He asked, finally looking at her.

"No, just a friendly passerby. Why?" She questioned, looking confused at Harry.

"I don't know, you just seem vaguely familiar to me." He answered.

"Ah I see, I think you might have seen me around in public before." She said sheepishly, backing away slowly.

"No I definitely know you. What's your name?" Harry asked, a frustrated look on his face.

She sighed "Fine, Addison Dalin. So do you recognize me now?"

He shook his head with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Suddenly his entire mood changed as he was reminded of why he came.

"Ooh Merlin I am late!" He said as he turned around and started moving to the exit of the ministry.

He waved a hand over his shoulder as he said his regards.

With Harry gone, Addison turned to the fountain and walked away. Under her breath she whispered in a ghostly voice, "Seems like I need to hide better, Master can't find me yet."

This is the first chapter I have posted in a while. I got extreme writer's block and exams so I haven't had the time or ideas to continue writing. Will post more eventually- Garlic Bread

The Wizard And The Hunter, a Harry Potter and Walking Dead crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now