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A flash of bright light filled her sight and followed the loud sound of thunder. She shivered. Rain was coming down hard. Water was everywhere. She was quickly closing the windows and clearing all the things from open spaces. For a second, she stopped and quickly ran to the kitchen. She put on a pot and poured water in it. She came back to clear everything while the water boils. After sometime, she put coffee in the boiling water. She came back in front of the lawn. There was shade built on this place. She put two seats and a little table. She was doing all this with a smile. A smile which was coming from her heart. She poured the coffee in two cups and started heating up the pizza in the oven. She looked out the window and saw the rain. It was more raining more than usual. May be .....it was too much..... her smile went away. She heard a faint sound in the loud noise of the rain. It was sound of a sports bike. Her smile came back stronger than before. She took out the pizza out of the oven, put it on a plate and poured ketchup on the side. Her ears were on the faint sounds of gates opening and closing, bike engine roaring. She put everything in a big tray and picked it up. She walked slowly towards outside where she put the chairs. Her walk changed a little. Her body showed that she was happy. She was swinging from left to right. She could feel her body.

She came out and looked at the garage. She saw him. He was walking towards her in the rain. He was holding his bag in one hand and with the other he was holding his helmet. His shirt was wet and was showing his big chest. He was a broad man. She wanted to put the tray on the table but she stopped. Her eyes showed that she wanted to attack him. She waited till he reached the shade. Water was dripping from him. Rain was so much that it made him wet in this little walk. He walked in the shade. She said


"Hey kid"

This was her time, his eyes were fixed on her. She slowly bent over and put the tray on the table but did not came up. She pretended to set things and stayed bent.

"Remove your shoes here, I don't want dirty water in the house."

"Ahan, In a minute."

She smiled. Her attack was successful. She swung herself from side to side while pretending to set the eatables. This was her reward from her to him. In all this rain, he made it....to home...to her. She was hoping that he would do the intelligent thing and stay in the office where it would be safe for him. But she knew him as he acts like a child sometimes. Does not think about the dangers and just try to do the things he likes. He placed his bag on the chair and started removing his shoes. She got back up and sat on her chair.

"Rain is too much, why didn't you stay in the office?"

He removed his shoes and picked his bag up.

"A wise man said, warmth of love can not be felt by memories but arms."

"Wise man? or a man child?"

"Wise man."

He walked inside. She yelled

"You are not wise. You are a child."

He yelled back from inside.


She laughed. She picked her cup up and started sipping. Hot coffee was making her body warm in this cold environment. Rain was still coming down like before. Water was making the lawn grass clean. Dirt was getting washed off and making its way to the drains. A flash of light filled her sight. She clenched her fist for the incoming sound. A loud noise of thunder came and shook her. This one was louder than before. She sipped again. Her nose smelled the coffee. She took a bite of the pizza. It was from last night but still tasted good. Another flash, her fist clenched and another thunder sound. Her mind went to him again, he made it home but rain always makes the roads slippery. This could have been dangerous for him. Her eyes looked towards the garage, shutter was up and she could see the green sports bike. His second love. A monster made of metal. She heard it roaring so many times and then she remembered his smile too which came after every time the bike roared. Her eyes showed a little jealousy. Monster could barely be seen in the darkness of the garage and the water of the rain. A faded dark green bike. But she knew that he loves her more than that stupid bike. Jealousy in her eyes went away and pride took its place. She took a sip with pride and looked at the bike again like she was trying to make the bike jealous. Monster stood silent.

A night with dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now