Late Night

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He was very tired. This day was very long for him. He woke up at 7:30 am and had to go to some government offices for documents verification. All day was just bad for him. It was a hot summer day, sun was ruthless and burning his skin. Sweat, dust and traffic smoke made him very tired. He had to walk for long distances because he didn't had his bike with him. He had to stay the night at a friend's place. Then he had to go to office where he had to work all day again. His typing hand's thumb was hurting very bad because of carrying his laptop bag in the public transports. He could not type on the keyboard or the mobile. At the end of the day, his affairs were not concluded in the offices and he had to go again the next day. After this bad day, he came home very late. Tired and angry at the same time. This was indeed a very very long day for him. His stomach was acting up because of his acidity problems. He could not eat all day, no breakfast and no lunch. Stomach was acting up because of this. He entered his home at night. First thing his eyes wanted was her face smiling. He threw his bag on the sofa then removed his shoes. His eyes looked here and there but no sign of her. He put his shoes in the shoe rack then walked in the kitchen. He needed something cold to drink. May be a soft drink, he opened the fridge and saw the drink. Soft drinks counter acidity if it is already happening. He opened its cap and drank half of it while standing . His whole body just calmed down all of a sudden. Acidity went away a little.

He came in the bedroom and saw her on the bed. She was sleeping. He sighed. He removed his shirt and sat on the bed. He was too tired to get up for dinner.

"I will just eat at breakfast."

He thought to himself and took one more gulp of the soft drink. He could feel the cold liquid going in his body after this hot day. His thumb was still hurting. He checked his mobile. There were messages from everybody who usually text him every day. He placed the mobile on his lap and started replying them with his finger. Her messages from last night were also in his inbox. He came on whatsapp many times in the day to see locations which his friends shared of the offices. He saw her messages but could not reply all day. He looked at her. She was facing the opposite side. A text from his friend showed up in the inbox

"Where the hell are you?"

He anger rose. He replied very angrily. His friend understood the situation and replied

"Clearly, you are angry and had a long day. Will talk to you tomorrow."

One colleague's message showed up

"Where are the database diagrams I asked for yesterday? You did not gave me a reply all day and I forgot to ask you in the office."

His anger rose more. He replied

"I told you yesterday that I will be busy today. You should have asked me in the office today you idiot. Also I gave them to your junior."

Reply came

"Why are you yelling at me? You are the in charge of database and he did not gave me anything."

His brain just blew. He typed with his thumb but it gave him a shooting pain. He switched to his finger again.

"This is not a good time. I am tired. Will talk to you tomorrow."

"Oh, do you need the day off tomorrow? Boss will flip out if he knows that you delayed the diagrams."

"Tell that idiot that I gave them already, also we have two more days. I am aware of my assignments and I will be coming in tomorrow."

"You sure? you don't sound like normal."

"Listen man, I am tired. A good sleep will be good for me. I will give you the database diagrams tomorrow myself. Just be sure to remind me in the office."

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