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Day 2

Hello, while I was sleeping I had a visitor or so they told me. Someone from school... I hate that place except one person. High school is so toxic. It kills creativity and anyone who is slightly different. For me, it has been absolute hell. It was good for a short while, then Abi moved away after freshman year and I spent most of the sophomore year alone, sitting under the benches and writing songs while everyone was mocking me. Why did they hate me when they never even got to know me nor even tried. The other part of that year I spent at home, hiding in my bedroom and playing guitar. Thankfully my mom was very understanding but not even she could help me.

I got really sad at fiirst, then I guess it went to depression with a huge feeling of emptiness...  I would occasionally be okay but my mood swings were awful. Happy then sad in a matter of minutes. My life became exhausting, and I would just shut down.

I was feeling better last summer, the one between sophomore and junior year. Living in my own world, my sweet imagination and taking long walks around the town, playing guitar whenever I could. I spent 3 weeks with Abigail and everything seemed to go for the better.

Then junior year started. First week back at school and I was already worse then ever. Second week we got a new student. She was gorgeous. Really tall, giraffe like tall with beautiful green eyes that were sometimes turning into ocean blue or so it seemed. She always wore a huge smile on her face even though we were at school which is the synonym for hell. I thought she was gonna fit right in. Into the 'popular' group. But she didn't even try. Something about her was different and other people, like carnivores, noticed that too. Two days after she came to school, she was an outcast, like me...but the difference was that she didn't care. She still smiled, walking around with her headphones in, strutting down the hallways to her own tune. She didn't care  how people looked at her. That I admired so much about her.

We didn't meet straight away... I was trying my best to stay invisible to everyone. Then a week later we had PE and I waited for everyone to exit the locker room so I could change my clothes. I didn't want anyone to see my cuts. Just as I was changing my shirt this girl Gabriella who hated me since kindergarten walked in and saw a bandage on my wrist. I froze, and she did too for a second but then cruelly smiled at me and ran out screaming to everyone about how crazy am I and that everyone should move as far as they can from me because Ill slaughter them... That logic was just...so accurate right?

Then I heard a voice telling her to shut the fuck up. I froze again, not knowing who or why would they defend me. Again, moment of silence, then that cruel teen girl laugh...but this time not only mocking me,  but the other girl too. I felt so bad, this was all because of me... I started crying and figured no one would see because no one wanted to be near me.

I almost choked on my tears as two arms wrapped around me and engulfed me in a tight bear hug. This person smelled so nice...flowery scent like daisies and sweet strawberry breeze on a summer day. I looked up and met her eyes. So green.

"I'm Karlie" she introduced herself and the alarm started in my hear. She should get away from me. They will hate her too. But waait, something in her voice was familiar...she was the one who stuck up for me minutes ago. Like she read my mind she said "you're Taylor, right?"

"Yeah...I am, I'm so sorry for crying, you didn't have to come here, I'm okay...and thank you for defending me...but please get away from me, they will hate you too if they see you with me." I said, feeling really sorry for her, it was all my fault. Im not worthy of anyones time. But she only hugged me tighter and told me everything was gonna be okay.

Thats how i met my Karlie...two black sheep found each other and somehow that was everything.
That was a start of something for a lifetime.

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