Chapter Eleven

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Me: OOOHHH!! Vixen91 has got a dare!

Vixen91: *blushes softly* Okay, what's the dare?

Me: *giggles*

Tommy: You have been dared to wear a wedding dress, my dear.

*Tommy kisses Vixen91 on the cheek and everyone else awed at that*

Vixen91: Okay my spaceking, I will be right back.

*Vixen91 goes to the spare closet*

Vinnie: While we're waiting, it's time for the baby to eat her dinner.

*The baby giggles while Peter is sitting her in his lap and is playing with her*

Me: Time to eat supper, sweetheart. Let's go and find your KISS bib.

*Vixen91 comes out of the spare closet wearing a Princess Luna themed wedding dress*

Tommy: Oh my look so freakin hot.

Vixen91: *giggles* Why thank you Tommy.

Me: Wow, that is pretty. Would you like to help me feed the baby Vixen91?

Vixen91: Sure, I would love to. Just let me go and get changed real quick.

*Vixen91 goes back to the spare closet and changes back into her regular clothes*

*Then, she comes into the kitchen where Vinnie is helping the host put the baby in her high chair*

Vixen91': *takes out a glass container of banana baby food and a little fox spoon* Here comes the airplane...*makes airplane noises* *and the carefully puts the small spoonful of banana baby food into Vinnie and the host's baby daughter's mouth*

Vinnie: Good girl. 😘*kisses the baby on the cheek*

Truth Or Dare With KISS (19)Where stories live. Discover now