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Now playing: Van Morrison - Madame George

-Get in the car. – He commanded. Harry did not look at me.

I was unsure about what was happening, but I did not like his tone at all. He was my boss, however, he did not own me.

I ignored him and kept walking, he turned the car to the side I was walking and drove slowly at my pace.

-Get in the fucking car, Benedetta! – He almost screamed.

I froze. His gaze was cold, and he did not dare looking at me.

-I am going by foot. – I declared.

He kept rolling the car so slow and I kept walking, side by side.

-Can you please just do as I tell you? – He asked. – Did he hurt you?

-What??? – I stopped walking. – In which world would I let a man hit me? – I snorted. – I am sorry I let my boyfriend enter your house, ok? I am really sorry, but you can't accuse him of such shit. – I rolled my eyes getting angrier by the minute. – You don't know him.

He got a deep breath and for the first time spoke calmly: - Please, I'll give you a ride.

-Do I look like I need a ride? – I rhetorically asked.

-Actually, you do. – Finally, he stopped the car and got out. After that, he held my hand. Instantly, I felt my belly turn and that unknown feeling running through my veins. – Please, would you get in the car? – He whispered.

Hesitant, I walked around to get in and he followed me. I turned to see what he was going to do.

-What? – I tried to spat but only a whisper was able to leave my mouth. The moon was once again reflecting on his big emerald eyes. Our bodies were close and a rushed feeling on the side of my brain was telling me to kiss him, fortunately I knew better.

-I was going to open the door for you. – His hand lightly brushed my waist while trying to get to the car handle. I blushed so hard trying to get my thoughts far, far away. His captivating smirk was there again, and I felt inexplicably thankful.

-Thank you. – I said when we were both inside the car. A yellow Jaguar E-Type. He could never go unknown with that kind of car. Inside, it smelled like a mixture of his perfume with leather. It was a different combination: a good one. I compared it to Zayn's brand-new BMW and could not stop noticing how different their styles were. How opposite they were from each other and how irremediably attracted from each one of them... Stop! My brain screamed.

-Do you have any music preferences? – He asked breaking the silence for the first time since we entered the car.

I shrugged.

-Why are you coming home by foot at night all by yourself? – He took his chances.

-Because I can. – I replied.

He smiled: - You're getting a bit looser around me, aren't you? – I felt the redness vibrating on my face. I guess not

-I don't know what you're talking about. – I said on behalf of my weird behavior.

-You do. – He drove his hand to my knee and squeezed it. The electricity emanated by his body ran into mine quite fast, almost making my heart explode. In a good way.

I stared at my leg but did not remove his full of rings hand from it. It felt good.

-Did you follow us? – I had the courage to ask, I needed my answers. He kept his hand still on my leg.

-No. – I waited but no explanation came after that unsatisfactory monosyllabic response.

-You're going to tell me you were just casually passing by in this road? – I snorted.


-Where were you going then?

-Just going for a ride.

-Sure. – I tried to ignore the fact that I knew for sure he was hiding something.

I went back to staring at his hand. Harry's nails were perfectly cut, all the same size and no cuticles on sight. It looked so soft and I almost fulfilled my curiosity by touching it, nonetheless I didn't because it would have been inappropriate. And getting a lift of your boss in the middle of the night and having him touch your leg is totally appropriate! My tricky conscience shouted. I almost laughed in disbelieve.

-What are you thinking about? – He enquired.

-Do you have your songs in the music player? – I wondered and replied with a smile.

He bit his lip guilty as charged and tried not to laugh of embarrassment.

-I Googled you. – I admitted. – I did not know you're a singer.

-Yeah. – He let it out. I could almost swear he was being shy about it.

-Must be horrible. – I commented. – Having people knowing you all over the world. – He squeezed my knee. – Sorry, I didn't mean to...

-I want to kiss you! – He blurted. I was speechless.

-Hm... - Here I started my mumbling series number three hundred. – Well, you can't. – I ended up saying.

-I know. – He was speaking low, almost like he was speaking for himself only. – It felt good to let it out.

I had no clue of what I should do with this information. It felt wrong but so right at the same time. If only he knew the urge I had to kiss him moments before.

When he took the hand off of my knee, I felt cold and wished it could be there for a while more.

After arriving home, he went in through the back door making me company until my room's door.

-Guess this is me. – I said trying to make a joke. At least that is what you watch in the movies.

-Can I see your room? – He asked and my belly did not find a way of stop turning by the mention of those words. Harry in my room did not sound good. Not at all. Or maybe it sounds too good! I immediately shushed my promiscuous thought.

-What? – I asked confused.

-I never saw these rooms before. – A guilty looked was being formed on his face. – I don't know, I never had the time to see them.

-Because they are not aesthetical important. – I chuckled.

-I'm sorry. – He said.

My room was not bad at all. Could anything about that house be bad? I don't think so. It was very white and bright, simpler and smaller than any other room in the house (obviously) but still very good. I also had a small ensuit bathroom that I thanked for.

To be honest I have been living in rooms that looked like dungeons and had to share a bathroom with ten different people, so this one seemed pretty great.

-Welcome to my humble room. – I laughed a bit ashamed because I forgot to tighten up the bed and there were some pillows on the ground that I quickly forced myself to put back up in the bed. – A bit messy, I know... - I kind of apologized.

-Are you kidding? It's cozier than mine. – He said jumping in the bed. I laughed to the irony of his statement. – And smells good. – He added. I was there just watching him: he was laying in my bed and pretending to sniff the air. And all of it felt better than I have imagined.

-All the houses I lived in would fit inside your bedroom. – I giggled and he immediately tensed up.

-I did not mean to sound ungrateful.

-You didn't. – I honestly said. He tapped the bed next to him so I would sit. I obeyed and, just like the other night we were laying together in the grass watching the moon and stars, we were now laying in my bed watching the white ceiling instead.  



See you soon.


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