53 7 2

Now playing: Bryan Adams - Heaven

I was looking through the window and gazed at the Colosseum down the road. I waited for the door to be closed and for us to be alone, no interruption was welcome starting now.

There was this impulse telling me to do it and my brain was screaming not to do it. I felt a bit shaky, nervous. Harry was talking but I couldn't identify a word he was saying. Once again, I was lost in my world, thinking too much... You know what? Fuck the pros. Fuck the cons. I want to do it, so I will do it.

I turned and saw he was still eating a bit of bread that he had in his mouth, probably waiting for a reply I did not have hence I was not listening.

My heart rate was rising and rising. I tried not to blush, but it was impossible. I did not care this time though.

I took the bread he had on his hand and put it back on the breakfast table across the window. I waited patiently for him to finish his chewing and swallow the rest of the bread he had on his mouth. I could see his chest rising: up and down, mirroring my own. He knew what was about to happen.

When I saw his Adam's apple gulp on his beautiful long neck, I knew it was time. I looked him in the eyes as if asking for permission to seal myself on his lips. His hands took me closer and I shivered by feeling them on my waist.

His forehead was once again against mine and the feeling I had running all over my body was possessing me utterly and completely.

Do you know that instant before a kiss? The cold on your lower belly and the adrenaline provoked by the expectation of what is yet to come? That numbness could never be surpassed ever again. I guess I had the peek of that feeling at that moment.

He kindly rubbed my arm, then again my body was on fire; his smile was wide and I just wanted to get over with it, so I closed my eyes.

-I guess this is happening after all. – He whispered. His rusty voice. I opened my eyes and he cupped both my cheeks on his strong hands. Then I leaned to him a bit more. That was enough. In the next moment, his rosy lips crashed onto mine and I felt heaven on Earth.

His plumped lips moved hungrily on mine. My hands hugged his neck and I finally had an excuse to run my hands on his messy curly hair.

It was happening too fast and I was not coherently thinking. I had been doped on his scent and his velvet kiss until he stopped our connection. I missed him already. His heavy breathing could tell me that he was enjoying it as much as I did and something else against my lower belly could tell me exactly the same thing.

-You've no idea how much I waited for this. – His voice was a bit shaky.

-I... - I stammered, my breath was also still uneven. I hugged him close and rested my face on his shoulder so I would not have to stare at him for too long. I inhaled his naked skin and only wished to kiss him again and again. – You're a good kisser. – I said against his skin and lightly chuckled. I felt his arms holding me back tighter.

-If we keep kissing like that I am not going to be able to stop. – I felt him inhaling my hair.

-Maybe the next time we kiss like that I don't want you to stop. – I said. I could still feel his masculinity on my lower belly and was tempted to palm him. However, if I did it, I was also not going to be able to stop and I rather prefer to clarify things with Zayn first.

I moved a bit to have a direct look at his face. His smile was different, the smirk was not there anymore, and it felt like his mockery or dreadful expression has been replaced with something else.

-I have to take a shower. – I said.

-Do you want to join me? – He asked and it was tempting. The image of having Harry showering with me made me blush. – When are you going to stop blushing on my invitations? – He asked amused, then took a hand to my face and put my hair behind my ear.

-Probably never. – I said getting shier.

-I like you, Benedetta. – He placed an innocent kiss on my cheek, and I could confirm on his gaze he was telling the truth.

-I'll wait for you downstairs? – I asked and he nodded. I was trying to get rid of his embrace in order to go to my room to get ready, but Harry wouldn't move.

-You're stuck with me. – He said in a joke.

-C'mon let me go or we're going to be late. – I laughed and gave him a quick peck on his lips while getting rid of his arms.

I went to my room and I could tell that was the happiest I felt in a while. I still felt butterflies turning on my stomach and it was like my smile was drawn for good on my face. I was feeling like a little kid when receiving a long-expected Christmas present.

I took a quick shower and pulled my hair up in a ponytail. Dressed the clothes I packed yesterday: black mom jeans and a very basic pink T-shirt. I just kept it casual.

Finally, I went down and they were still not there, so I decided to have a smoke outside and get the chance to reply to all Zayn's calls.

-Hey. What's up? – I asked as if our argument had never happened. I inhaled the smoke and calmly breathed it out.

-Are you fucking kidding me? – A scream was heard on the other side of the line. – You're fucking that bastard. I'm gonna kill him. – He shouted.

-What are you talking about? – There was no way Zayn could have known about the kiss that happened between me and Harry in his hotel room.

-Don't play the fucking innocent here. – He kept shouting. – I saw you on TV. With him.

-You saw me on TV? – I laughed. – I'm done Zayn. You're being fucking ridiculous. – I breathed deeply reuniting all the courage I had on me to tell him what I was really thinking. - I'm done. It feels like your favorite hobby is to offend me. AND I'M FUCKING DONE! – I screamed frustrated and saw a couple of eyes staring at me. – FUCKING DONE! – I repeated just to be sure he would understand what I meant. The same pair of optics kept eying me, and I crushed my cigarette butt on the ashtray at the entrance.

When going inside I had a glance of someone who had taken a picture of me. I was already furious; this guy did not know who he was playing with. Certainly.

-Excuse me? English? Italian? – I repeated as he looked confused.

-Si. I speak English. – He said with a thick Italian accent.

-You're going to delete my picture right now. – I said trying not to lose it. – I don't care what your kinks are. But seriously, do not take pictures of strangers. It's creepy.

He gave me a wicked laugh in return. I raised my eyebrow.

-You are going to delete my picture. – I repeated firmly. – Please tell me if I have to call the police. – I menaced in Italian.

-Oh, parli italiano. I will not delete the picture. No. – He said in an arrogant tone.

-Che cazzo vuoi? – I was fuming and was about to lose it when I heard his voice behind me.

-Could you please delete the lady's picture? – He was polite but his voice was firmly unquestionable.

-This guy is photographing me without consent! – I tried to explain Harry and suddenly something clicked and I did not know who to look to anymore. He was photographing me because I was with Harry. – Oh, God! – I said in realization and looking the creepy man with disgust.

-You can wait inside. – He told me. His tone was cold, and I felt like he has forgotten about our kiss a couple of hours ago.

I wanted to talk, I wanted to tell him it was fine, but I just could not find the words to do it. I was still in shock and without noticing I felt the tears streaming down my appalled face.


As promised, here I am with one more chapter.

Hope you're all enjoying.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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