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((This will mostly be in Izuku's POV unless I say so or if I get lazy and make it third POV which I would say if I do of course))

Izuku POV

Mom has been so tired coming home late at night after her shifts even when she gets off early. She is always just so...tired.

Her moods can change so quickly just by one word. Even an action or a face. She's always mad at me. It's probably because I mess everything up, or I take too long trying to get something done. Even when I do extra chores she will still find a reason to complain, yell, or threaten me.

Yet, I still can't get mad at her.No matter what she does or what she calls me I can't. It's not like I don't want to...I'm just incapable of staying mad because I know she's just tired. She can be in happy moods and we have moments but they never last long because I mess up, because I'm useless.

When she realizes she overreacted or called me useless she will always apologize, even if it's the next day, or even later that day. But I know she just wants to make me feel better. I know she's just covering up what she really thinks. Why else would she say it?...

A/n I really hope you like this or not. It's whatever I will try to make longer chapters then this. Thank you for reading
have a good day/night
September 29 2019 might not be the day it's published though XD bye bye

(Edited by Nagito_KomaedaLGBTQ check them out!)

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