Chapter Fourteen

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Wearing a red dress that reached my knees with matching heels made me feel invincible. Like I could achieve anything. I anticipated Alex's reaction and couldn't wait to see what outfit he would show up in. I had no idea where he was taking me or what we were doing but I didn't mind. As long as I got to hang out with him, I was happy.

Perhaps too happy?

I touched up my lipgloss and brushed my hair, checking my teeth for any smudges. I'd shaved my legs in preparation for tonight because—ya never know and even threw on my sexiest underwear.

"Ebony? You ready, darling?"

God, I love it when he calls me that.

"Just a sec!"

I quickly sprayed some perfume onto my neck and wrists before entering the living room and—Holy hell.

Dark, blue jeans, fitted white shirt and a smirk to die for; what a combination!

"You look fantastic," I claimed, going in for a hug.

"Hey, that was my line."

I pulled away and lightly kissed his lips, happy in the knowledge that Jason was out. He was taking part in some study group down at the library, seeing as he had an assessment in a few days.

"You ready to get going?"

I nodded and once again found myself in the passenger seat of his car. We drove for what felt like hours before reaching our destination; a rather cute looking house.

"Umm, are we meeting someone?" I asked, a little confused.

Oh fuck! Was Alex into group activities? I could imagine it now. Him putting his keys in a bowl and me standing there, gawking as an orgy took place two feet ahead of me.

"Come on. I want to show you something."

I exited the car with as much dignity as my short dress would allow and followed him to the front door, holding his hand. He let himself in with a key and switched on the light, revealing an empty living room, clearly undergoing construction.

"Welcome to my home," he announced.


"Wow, Jason wasn't lying. That burst pipe went to town on your living room."

The carpet was nowhere to be seen, likely unsalvageable, and his lovely, cream walls were stained beyond repair.

"Yeah, it's been a real pain in the ass."

"Not all bad though," I replied, wiggling my eyebrows.

He shot me a smirk. "No, certainly not."

Alex led me further into his home and I had to admit, I loved that he brought me here. He trusted me enough to show me around and took pride in having me inside his house. Like he somehow wanted this to be a regular thing. Me. In his home. As his girlfriend.

Don't be ridiculous, Ebony!

"Okay, close your eyes," he instructed, encouraging me to do so by gently placing his hands over my eyes.

He walked us forwards a few more steps and opened up another door that seemingly led us back outside. I felt the cold pinch of evening air but didn't allow it to bother me. Instead, I enjoyed the feel of Alex's front pressed into my back and opened up my eyes upon being told to do so.

"Wow. This is beautiful."

His backyard glistened with thousands of fairy lights, all winking at me. A picnic blanket was set up on the decking, housing thick duvets and fluffy pillows. A bottle of wine rested in a bucket next to it, alongside two glasses.

"Hold on," he said, dashing back towards the house.

He appeared a moment later with a cheese platter and chocolate covered strawberries, smiling from ear to ear.

"Alex, this-this." I had no words. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, darling."

I pulled on his collar and kissed him extra hard, portraying my true appreciation. This was incredible. Thoughtful. No one had ever gone out of their way to organise something so special for me.

"I love it."

"Good, I'm glad. Now, shall we crack open this wine?"

He gestured towards the bottle of red and guided me towards the blanket, helping me by taking my hand. He popped open the cork as I lowered myself onto the duvet, no longer feeling victim to the cool air. He handed me my glass and joined me, placing the cheeses platter between us.

"Bon appétit!"

This all felt very sophisticated and thrilling, like Alex was some business man, wining and dining me. Which, thinking about it, was exactly what it was.

"This really is an incredible date," I shared, popping a slice of feta into my mouth.


"Good, I want every single date you've been on to feel amateur in compassion to this."

"Oh, definitely. You win, Alex Hart. Hands down."

He smirked and kissed my lips, taking a sip of wine immediately after.

"Your home is lovely, by the way. Despite the water damage."


"It's a little on the big side for one person, no?" I asked, filling myself up on bread.

The atmosphere changed in a second. Alex froze mid-sip and tensed, seemingly at odds with himself.

"Sorry, ignore me," I pleaded. "I'm being nosey."

"No, it's fine," he replied, shaking himself off. "You've been honest about your past with me. It's the least I can do to offer the same in return, right?"

I nodded but said nothing, worried I'd say the wrong thing.

"This wasn't supposed to just be my home," he revealed. "My fiancée and I decided to upsize when we found out she was pregnant."

Oh, shit!

"The three of us were due to move in last Christmas," he informed, a mixture of anger and sadness seeping into his voice. "As you can probably guess, that didn't happen..."



Be sure to check back next chapter for Alex's full confession.

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