Chapter One: Dollies and Daddies

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Will you be my daddy? 😈

    On a cold December day, at a bus stop in Akihabara, Yuusuke got on his usual seven o'clock bus to head to work. Letting out a deep, pensive sigh, he gazed at the colorful neon signs and flashing lights adorning the city streets. Everything in Akihabara glowed with excitement as this was the hub of otaku culture. People often came with their friends to enjoy being served at one of the many maid cafes in that district. They were extremely entertaining places where the waitresses often pretended to be a kitten in human form, or partake in some other type of cosplay that suited their clients' niche. This was the bustling district that Yuusuke called Home.

People's lives seemed to scintillate with enjoyment, as though every day held new wonders that they just couldn't wait to experience. Looking at these individuals, Yuusuke could not help but feel a certain sense of bitterness amidst all the glamour. He did not quite know where the source was within him, but this bitter emptiness would often become so powerful Yuusuke felt it might consume him entirely. Every day remained virtually the same way for him, after all, and there was very little he did to fix this. His parents often looked at him with pity, because it was certainly not going to change any time soon. Most of the time, Yuusuke simply ignored their comments and hid his feelings of discontentment from those closest to him. As Yuusuke got off the bus and made his way towards the electronics store where he worked, he felt nothing that proved that this day would be different from any other. And then there was the one thing amidst all the noise and excitement that made Yuusuke stop cold:

A beautiful young girl who looked to be about fourteen was looking straight in his direction.

Her expression wasn't blank like the many other pedestrians in the nearby crosswalk, but instead was one of curiosity. Her dark hair, neatly fashioned into a layered bob, glistened in the early morning twilight. Her eyes possessed a most wonderful round, youthful shape. When she noticed Yuusuke, they narrowed with her mischievous smile. For just a moment his breath was stolen by her beauty and mysterious glance. Then just as quickly the young girl turned and entered a cafe'. The sign above read "Cafe' Kon-Kon".

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"You need a life Yuusuke."

"But I'm serious Chris. That same girl has shown up every morning and stared at me In front of the same cafe. Like I'm the punchline of some sick joke only she knows about, or like she has a secret only we know!"

"Yuusuke...what do you think this is? Some kind of second rate dating sim?"

In the break room of the electronics store, Yuusuke was engaged in a playful but heated argument with his friend Chris Moriyama. Clearly by the look on Chris' face, it was an argument that was getting nowhere.

"For now, the only thing we need to be concentrating on is our inventory," Chris said, gesturing towards the inventory gun that he liked to call Lucky Shot.

"Hey, how long do you think we've been working here at NIC Camera without receiving a single pay raise?"

"Hell if I should know. The fact remains that it's been at least a year and I plan to move on are scarce but I just have to keep trying..." Yuusuke let out another sigh and began to take apart a gaming console that had been brought in for repairs. It had been a little over a year ago that he had packed his bags and headed out to find his own place. It was once Yuusuke arrived in Akihabara and attempted to place his roots there that he faced a startling realization: there were far more people who lived in this city than there were available jobs. The seductive illusion of a vibrant life in the city was quickly fading when all of a sudden he bumped into his childhood friend Chris, who happily helped Yuusuke become an employee at NIC Camera.
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